Another puffer question


Sting Ray Crazy
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
Hello there;

I know, another puffer question! I just want to be really sure before I start into this. I want to start a 10 gallon dwarf puffer tank with 2 or 3 of the little guys. So here is my question, I would like to add to them my peppermint pleco. Would they get along? I've done the compatabilty and it says ok, but I would really like to know from one of you guys that have these little dudes/dudettes.

Thanks alot, any other info greatly appreciated!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I have a 10 gallon with three of them in there and they are so awsome! :wub: Definately get some. They are messy eaters so have good filtration. You can probably put them in with the pleco but, he might get nipped at for a while before they figure out what he is.
Plecos have very tough scales so won't be bothered by the puffers nips. Even then it probably won't draw any attention from the puffers since they stay (for the most part) at the bottom and don't dart around the tank.
Thank you both for the replies.
I defintely think I will start up a Dwarf Puffer tank,
they just look so darn cute! :wub:
dwarf puffers tend to chase moving fish, and since plecs dont' move a whole lot, they may be okay. now, i personally won't try it again. i had to temporarily put my bn plec in my old 5 gal puffer tank for a few days. in that time, his dorsal fin lost a few little bits....... in a larger tank they may have left him alone....there was also the factor that they were trying to breed....... you could try it, and just keep an eye on the plec and be ready to take him out if you need to.
Plecos don't have the small rounded scales like most fish. What they do have is a hard covering of bony plates much like a sturgeon.
Plecos have the fish equivilent of armor, they also have little spines all over them, if you look closely, so if something bites their body...Ouch
a1wonder said:
diVer said:
Plecos have very tough scales so won't be bothered by the puffers nips.
Umm... plecos don't have scales at all that why they cant tolerate salt in the water...
Hi a1wonder, please don't take this as being rude, but I was thinking of Dwarf Puffers because they are fresh water.
If I'm wrong, please someone tell me now!
Before I go and start this 10 gallon! :(
Thanks Dwarfs;
I was pretty darn sure, but you never know!
Awesome, now only if my LFS could order them in, I'd be set

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