Fish Crazy
heya i was just wondering...
iv got a 120l tank 101 x 46 x 31 cm its a juwel rekord 120.
iv already got a tiger plec in there, about 1 and a half years old. I was just wondering would i be able to put a BN plec in the tank aswell as i really love plecs and want another one!
I got 2 big peices of bogwood and the tank is lightly stocked.. i was just wondering
thanks for any help
iv got a 120l tank 101 x 46 x 31 cm its a juwel rekord 120.
iv already got a tiger plec in there, about 1 and a half years old. I was just wondering would i be able to put a BN plec in the tank aswell as i really love plecs and want another one!
I got 2 big peices of bogwood and the tank is lightly stocked.. i was just wondering
thanks for any help