Another Plec?


Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2006
Reaction score
Staffordshire, UK
heya i was just wondering...

iv got a 120l tank 101 x 46 x 31 cm its a juwel rekord 120.
iv already got a tiger plec in there, about 1 and a half years old. I was just wondering would i be able to put a BN plec in the tank aswell as i really love plecs and want another one!

I got 2 big peices of bogwood and the tank is lightly stocked.. i was just wondering

thanks for any help

well im just waiting to go :( the lack of been able to drive is annoyig me, ah well 3 weeks till i can learn. But ill post pics as sooon as i get back!
Tell me about it - I've just had to send hubby via public transport with a bucket to pick up our royal plec. Wish I could drive. Wish I could afford to drive. Wish I were allowed to drive LOL!
am sooo annoyed!!!

went to lfs to get the BN and a man had just brought 5 of them :blink: :angry: and they had non left =[ ill try and get a pic of my tiger plec buut all i can see is his tail at the mo! Ill try a different shop tomorrow!

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