Another Plant For You To Id...


Fish Fanatic
Nov 26, 2003
Reaction score
Southampton, UK

I bought this plant the other day but i'm not sure whether its an aquatic or not. I have tried to ID it with tropica and greenline website's but to no avail. What do you reckon?


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It's a type of Hydrocotyle, but I don't know specifically which one. I'm only familiar with Hydrocotyle Leucocephala...
Never seen that before. Are the stems rigid? If so I would guess it may be non-aquatic. Either that or grown emersed (out of water).

How old is it now and is it growing?
Never seen that before. Are the stems rigid? If so I would guess it may be non-aquatic. Either that or grown emersed (out of water).

How old is it now and is it growing?

The stems aren't rigid, they are actually quite flimsy. I have noticed that under the leaves the stems have small hairs on them. I've been searching for Hydrocotyle photos and can't find any with red stems.

I bought them on wednesday so they have been in my tank for about 3 days now. There does seem to be some growth. There are roots growing out of the nodules where the leaves come out from the stem. From what I've seen Hydrocotyle does this too.
Interesting - keep us posted.

Where did you buy it? I assume it wasn't labelled?

I'd still guess at non-aquatic I'm afraid, simply for the reason I've never seen it before and I've seen most aquarium plants. I hope I'm wrong though, it is an attractive plant and I hope it does well for you.
It almost looks like a variety of Ivy. Can you get a picture of the whole plant? What kind of roots did it have when you planted it?

Are you sure it's not Hydrocotyle Leucocephala, but just with red stems? Here is Tropica's information on that variety - Hydrocotyle It could just be a variety with more red in the stem.
Interesting - keep us posted.

Where did you buy it? I assume it wasn't labelled?

I'd still guess at non-aquatic I'm afraid, simply for the reason I've never seen it before and I've seen most aquarium plants. I hope I'm wrong though, it is an attractive plant and I hope it does well for you.

Well I bought it from my LFS in southampton, it wasn't labelled unfortunatly but I liked the look of it so thought i'd give it a try.

It almost looks like a variety of Ivy. Can you get a picture of the whole plant? What kind of roots did it have when you planted it?

Are you sure it's not Hydrocotyle Leucocephala, but just with red stems? Here is Tropica's information on that variety - Hydrocotyle It could just be a variety with more red in the stem.

Here's a photo of what it looks like now. There were no roots at all when I bought it, just a bunch of stems with leaves. It looks same all the along the stem, I basically cut it down to a node at the end and used that as an anchor to plant it. The plant is definatly growing and as you can see from the pic there are roots growing from the nodes now. Also some of the smaller leaves are definatly getting bigger. I think it must just be a red stemed Hydrocotyle, looks like it must be quite rare though as there are no references to it anywhere.


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