I guess no matter how long I keep fish I will never understand PH.
I use the same water and plants in all of my tanks
I have 4 tanks. The 3 smaller ones all test the same PH level. The level I want.
My questions is why does my larger tank test so much lower? Is it the type or amount of fish?
I have tried the PH increaser slow, as advised, and test it twice a week. It never changes. It there a natural way to raise the PH slowly? I know some advise not to adjust at all but I would like to breed my Gouramis (have researched deeply) and need my PH at least 1.5 higher to do so.
Thanks for any input in advance!

I use the same water and plants in all of my tanks
I have 4 tanks. The 3 smaller ones all test the same PH level. The level I want.
My questions is why does my larger tank test so much lower? Is it the type or amount of fish?
I have tried the PH increaser slow, as advised, and test it twice a week. It never changes. It there a natural way to raise the PH slowly? I know some advise not to adjust at all but I would like to breed my Gouramis (have researched deeply) and need my PH at least 1.5 higher to do so.
Thanks for any input in advance!