another otto question


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2004
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would 4 otocinclus' be hard to keep in a 15g tank with some plants in terms of feeding of algae ect. or is 3 like my original idea better>?
thanks in advance
Do you have room for them? What else is in there?

You will probably need to feed them in that size tank. I have 4 in a 160l and they never eat prepared foods but in that size tank there might not be enough.
2 pairs of neon gouramis
2 bronze albino catfish (maybe 3)

i do have a pebble water feature in my garden, and half of the pebbles in there are covered in algae so that will be some food that i can put in there.
3 or 4 is all the same to me. 3, they might get more food per fish and 4, more company as they are shoaling fish. For Random Information, I found that my otocinclus' like brown algea better than the dark green. Try not to spend more than $2 per oto.
3 or 4 is all the same to me. 3, they might get more food per fish and 4, more company as they are shoaling fish.
Get four. 8)

Daveo :flex:
i got four in the end.
there all fat which is good and happy so far with my albino's
:D That sounds like a fine number, I'm glad your getting small alge eaters and not a pleco :)

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