Another Opinion?


New Member
Jul 6, 2008
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Ok...So I have an established tank now, my fish are very healthy and I am not questioning that. I realize that everyone has their own opinions and different things work for different people but still I ask.
I lurk for hours and hours here and as usuall I learn of something new, I do my water changes with straight RO water (10% a week-with salt of course) for 2 months I have not had a problem, but then I read that fish can't live strictly on RO, that I should use some tapwater if applicable?
My water levels are all normal, I stick to a routine and have no cause for concern but the RO only thing is bad kind of concerns me.
I have never tested my tap water, I have a filter on there, I haven't drank straight tapwater since I was 13 so I suppose I could test it buy I'm anxious to know your replies for my ?
I'm testing the salinity with just a hydrometer. I have two of them actually, I've heard that refractatometers are the king but I haven't had any probs with the hydrometer and no fish have died yet. I'm a novice though so I'm always open for suggestions.
Refractometers are much more accurate, whereas hydrometers can go a tad off at times
Yeah, the problem with hydrometers is that their calibration will drift over time whereas a refractometer won't (unless you drop it on the floor ;)). Either way I suggest making your own DIY calibration/verification solution to double check your measuring device. Check out the stickies atop the marine chit chat section. Realm of Knowledge, page 2, I've linked it there ;)
I've heard that refractatometers are the king but I haven't had any probs with the hydrometer and no fish have died yet.

no point waiting for a disaster if you can prevent it... you can get a good refractometer pretty cheaply off ebay
I've heard that refractatometers are the king but I haven't had any probs with the hydrometer and no fish have died yet.

no point waiting for a disaster if you can prevent it... you can get a good refractometer pretty cheaply off ebay
I know that....I know that..... :sly: I have been beating my head against the damn table since the first day my husband brought the empty tank home and told me to fill it!!!! There is much to learn, more then I originally bargained for. I have to admit that it's quite interesting and after the initial waiting game I fell in love with my fish now I have to ask, ask, ask if I cannot come up with an answer that I feel comfortable with because here is what I found out about fish keeping if nothing else? Everyone and I mean everyone, every site, every LFS, every Joe shmo that keeps fish has a different opinion, and rightly so, because everyone has different experiences while following the same "basic" guidlines. Sorry to unload on you but today is not a good day my fish are dying of ich and I don't have a QT tank. I'm furious. :(

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