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Fish Fanatic
Mar 2, 2005
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I just rescued this little guy. I was determined not to, as I didn't see the point in funding Walmart's fish cruelty, but I caved today and had to pick him up. He deserves to live, not be left on a shelf for days to gradually starve to death.

He's in a 1 gallon bowl right now and he's incredibly active and eating pellets (it took about 25 shots just to get 2 pictures...) but is there anything I can/should add to his water to help his fins grow back faster and reduce any chances of infection? He's got some Slime Coat and aquarium salt in there with him now...the only other thing I have on hand is Maracyn 2.


you could use betta fix... they are in pretty much every lfs...
awww...poor little guy :( I hope he recovers but I'm sure he's much happier now :nod: I'm not sure what else you can do. I think you're doing everything just fine for now.
It looks like he has extensive finrot; a bit of salt, good water quality and some anti finrot med should clear his fins up- its a good sign he is eating but make sure not to give him too much too fast as he may get constipation if his stomache has shrunken after starvation- lots of small steady meals instead of 2 large ones a day will be much better for him.
Well done for saving him too :)
Aquarium salt would be a good idea. Also, if you can get your hands on the following, it would do a lot of good:

Blackwater Extract or Indian Almond Leaves (either one, no need for both)
Colloidal Silver

Keep his water very clean, use the aquarium salt, and, if you can get the other items, use them, too, and he should recover well and quickly.
Thanks does look a lot like he has fin rot, but the edges of his fins seem very clean and are growing in with clear tips similar to Lucky's tail (one of BettaMomma's gorgeous boys) so hopefully we'll see some progress from here.

He's having a flarefest at the moment with a few of his brothers. He's got quite a sexy little butt wiggle, too, when you take into consideration his lack of finnage :lol:
That boy there was in a nasty fight with someone, then was separated and his fins started to grow back. There's some clear fin growth coming in there - and you can bet that Walmart didn't invest any time, energy, effort or meds into him to get his finrot turned around. What WalMart was this at? GRRR
All these cases of WalMart boys being put together and having their fins shredded off. I'd like to shred some people's fins off for the things they do. :grr:

Thanks for the comment about Lucky - he's fabulous now!
I brought him home from the office over the weekend so now he is living nicely in a 2.5G tank, heated to a balmy 78 degrees, and he has a live plant and a hidey cave. Before he was in an unheated >1G tank with one tiny silk plant. He's calmed down from being the big freak he used to be, too. :wub:
I dont know 'bout all walmarts, but the one here is terrible for takin care of their fish.
I've never bought one from them, never will, but everytime I'm there I check the fish section out (cause im a "fish fanatic") and there's always dead and sickly fish there.
The staff arent much healthier to be honest!

I buy all my sickies from there.
Well, most of them anyway.
I figure they don't have a snowball's chance in hell to survive if they're left on the shelf and someone like me doesn't come along and take them home. At least at places like PetSmart, etc. they medicate. WalMart does NOT.

The most pitiful sight to me is seeing an ugly betta on the shelf - SICK and/or DYING at a Walmart. Those are the kind I go for. For fish, that's kind of the bottom of the line. It makes me want to cry. And then go kick someone in the shins REALLY hard.

The COOLEST thing in the world is seeing your ugly little sicky turn into a beautiful vibrant fish. That's happened to me several times. I can't tell you how fabulous it is when you see them swimming pain free and starting to color up for the first time. :wub:
MissD - Where in Ontario are you from? Just curious as I too am from Ontario and if I was close enough to the walmart you got your new betta at I would go there and check to see if there were any others that needed a good home :)

Two of my bettas have come from Walmart as well. They werent sick but they hardly had any water... And I felt bad so thats how I ended up with them. I didnt want them to die in that little cup...

But good for you in your rescue :thumbs:
Heya, I'm in Ontario TOO!!


I love fish and aquariums....


just wanted to say something bout this is this forums purpose generally....please dont boot me.

This was at the Walmart in Fort Erie, Ontario. There were a few others in there with mangled tails, but this guy was by far in the worst shape. I would love to have brought them all home, but I literally have no room. I've just bought a 25 gallon for my guppy fry, so that's cut down the betta shelf space considerably :/

I put this new guy in a bare 1g. when I brought him home to get him out of his dirty water as fast as possible, but I've since given him some gravel and pebbles and he looks lovely. He'll be getting a nice silk plant tomorrow.

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