Another One Of Those Questions! Sorry!


Fish Crazy
Oct 15, 2008
Reaction score
Weston-super-Mare, Somerset

I got some Mollies today. Yay!! :fun: :wub:

There is one that I am 100% sure is preggers but not sure how far. When I put her in the tank I was absolutely certain that she was going to pop there and then, rushed (7.30pm) to get a breeding net before the LFS closed to collect fry in incase she dropped in the night. Having read a bit more and taken a closer look I'm not sure if she has got about a week or so left. She actually looks fuller in the tank than in the pics but was just wondering if anyone could give me their opinion on how long I may have left before I get my first fry!!




Now the second thing is I also bought a couple of female balloon mollies. 1 is a lot larger than the other but I didn't think anything of it. Since reading the pinned topic on how to see when your livebearer is ready to drop I have an incling that the large one is carrying fry! Anyway here are some pics of the balloon mollies (you can also see the smaller one pictured above). What do you think?





Thanks for reading. I'd be really happy to hear your opinion.

Cindy :)
Hmmm re the balloon molly. The others mollies seem to be hasselling her. They are following her everywhere and trying to nip at her bum. I tried putting her in the trap thinking it would give her a rest but she started swimming into the sides so set her free. Her bum looks very slightly open as if she is going to poo but she isn't pooing. What do you think? She looks even fatter this morning.

HI, am not sure if ur dalmation mollie is preg but the white balloon mollie defo is preg , i just got my first lot of balloon mollie frys this morning, good luck
Hi Victora. I've read your other thread. Congratulations. Did you trap your mollie or leave her to it? Did she get much bigger than mine before she popped?
hi i trapped my mollie when i saw what i think was the first lot of fry but then i noticed my other mollies pulling the babies out through the netting :( so i moved them as quick as i can into my spare tank which is always set up just incase but did leave her inside the net untill she had finished
I've just had a really close look at the balloon molly. It's hard to tell as she is white but I'm almost positive her birthing canal is open. There is a little white raised lump there about the size of a pin head. She is also swimming from top to bottom in the corner down the end where the filter/heater is.

I'm too nervous to put her in the trap incase she aborts so have left her be. If she does give birth tonight I'm not holding my breath on finding any babies in the morning. There are almost 20 adult fish in that tank including 2 rainbows so they will probably gobble them up. My tank is has a lot of plants but I don't have any floating. Fingers crossed she can wait until the morning when I can keep an eye on her. :unsure: :crazy:

Just an update. My balloon molly still hasn't dropped. She has got slightly fatter but hasn't changed her habits in any way. I didn't put her in the trap as she really freaked out when I did it a few days ago.

I realised that the temp on my tank was set to 24 degrees so I have upped the heater to 27. I did this about an hour ago but my thermometer is still reading 24. I hope my heater is ok.

Hopefully I won't be waiting much longer for the patter of fins!!!

Cindy :)
If your marbled molly is pregnant she still has a good few weeks to go. My Molly seriously looked like she was fit to burst when she had her babies, and they square right off underneath when near their time, yours is not anywhere near dropped enough yet.
As for Balloon mollies I am never sure with they fish, I have a yellow one who looked like she was ready to explode weeks ago yet she still hasn't had any fry, I have loads of floating plants and plants and regularly save other fry so would have found some.
Hi Victoria, no fry yet and she is looking a bit fatter so fingers crossed not long now!!

Believe me OldMan I have read that thread over and over again. I just need some advice on the balloon molly as I don't know how fat they should naturally be and also as she is white I wouldn't be able to see the white ring by her birth canal when she is ready to drop.
heres some pics of my balloon mollie which is not preg hope they help she is white aswell.


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Thank you for the pics Victoria

Well I got home from work today and my balloon molly looks a lot thinner. She doesn't look like she has swollowed a marble anymore :eek:(. I've thoroughly checked the tank and can not see any fry. I'm guessing they have all been eaten. 'Poo' is all I can say to that! Ah well. Maybe they are just hiding very well. I can only hope that one will show himself to me in a few days!! (unlikely!)

The marbled molly pictured in my original post has been getting bigger and now looks like she is going to explode. I will be keeping an even closer eye on her over the next few days.

Cindy x

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