Fish Crazy
Agh yes i too lost my bristlenose catfish "Sunny", I only had him for 2 weeks, didnt even get to know him
I'm not sure what the cause of it has been, my parameters have been fine, I spoke to a pal of mine at my LFS and he mentioned that perhaps there was not enough aeration in the water, since they need alot of it and dont come up for air like corys or bettas.
The tank i had him in he shared with a my betta who i have been treating with melafix, I suspect that melafix was the cause of it, since it binds the oxygen in the water or something like that (so i have been told)
farewell "Sunny" may you find God's peace in bristlenose heaven
I'm not sure what the cause of it has been, my parameters have been fine, I spoke to a pal of mine at my LFS and he mentioned that perhaps there was not enough aeration in the water, since they need alot of it and dont come up for air like corys or bettas.
The tank i had him in he shared with a my betta who i have been treating with melafix, I suspect that melafix was the cause of it, since it binds the oxygen in the water or something like that (so i have been told)
farewell "Sunny" may you find God's peace in bristlenose heaven
