Another NTD Question

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Fish Crazy
Oct 19, 2004
Reaction score
Grimsby, N.E. Lincs, UK

Ok i posted on here that i lost a platy last week (actually lost 3 now)

I bought 8 neons two week ago and one died straight away, thought it was just a bad travller.

Then a platy looked really bad and died. then another then another.....

Been treating the tank with Myxazin for 5 days, had a break for 2 and started another 5 days yesterday, thought it needed it.

Now looking at a neon today, its been swimming out of the way of the rest of the neons for a couple of days(with the last platy that died yesterday thinking about it, and he was hiding out the way too and not swimming around like normal) its lost colour compared to the rest.

some of the other neons have lumps underneath, nothin massive but not a normal fish shaped fish (but i thought this was just the way they were)!! plus looking up underneath very red gills compared to the other neons.

ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 12,5 mg/l water change every week 60 lts plus the chlorine remover (sunday).

I have no other tank and am unsure what to do. :crazy:
Have they lost colour in their red stripe, also they have a creamish brown colour below their dorsal fin if it's NTD.
one had lost its colour a bit like it had faded, doent look good.

im just not sure about the rest im wondering if all the neons are wrong, and what i should do if they are, i dont want to infect my other fish.
Can you issolate the neons to another tank, can you post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, try anti internal bacteri med to make sure it isn't false neon tetra desease.
Wilder, as i said at start, i have no other tank. ive posted the water results (except PH i dont have that test) and im treatin with internal bacteria treatment myxazin.
Sorry about that, just making sure it wasn't water quality fading the neon, can you buy a small plastic tank about six gal with heater and filter to get the neons out of the tank.
ezer than buying a tank .... use a ziploc and float him.
just make shure to change the water in the bag every day and let air in a fue times a day.
1 stressed fish in a bag or a whole tank of dead fish.
its a temp fix. long term wold be bad but if he dies and gets eaten, NTD will spred.
if i where in that situation i wold itehr euthinze now or put him in a bag/jar/half a 2ltr.... somthing that you can float to keep it at the same temp as the tank water....
ive been told on here NEVER to put fish in a bag and float them for purposes like these

alot of people on here are verry black & whte when it comes to fish.... they probly say that becuse they have a QT tank and have had one for a long time and in there mind theres no way you can keep fish without one.
:( fish died and i got rid.

came home last night to find a 90% eaten corpes (another neon). man is this death rate ever going to end.

another neon looked bad so took it out.

what the best way to euthinize (i know bad spellin) a fish that looks real ill.
It depends what you have, clove oil and vodka, the desease will have spread even further now if the fish have eaten a neon with NTD, it's best to get them out before they die as the parasite leaves the body.
thats why you shold bag tehse sick fish.... how are you going to tell witch ones ate them??

sorry about your loss..... seriously if you have no ohter place to put these fish you shold bag them in the tank or euthinize any fish affected.

if your fish where helty i wold never sugest puting them into bags and floating them but in this case you realy shold.... ntd is spered when a dead fish affecetd by it is eaten by another........ now you have a fish or a fue fish in there that munched on NTD and will die shortly .
there is no cure for NTD so you shold i solate any fish with it befor it gets eatin.
the one that got eat hadnt looked to bad, was schooling.

what i have left are 1 platy (3 babies), 1 plec, 2 zebra danios (man ae they gettin fat gready buggers), 2 scissor tails, and 2 silver sharks.

all the rest look fine and dandy at the mo, i know some of them ate the corpse, but how to tell until they show some signs!!!

all i can do now is wait and see if any start to look ill, if they do ill give them vodka on the rocks straight away.
Good luck, it is a waiting game with NTD.

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