Another Newbie Saltie.


Fish Crazy
Oct 31, 2008
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After years of yes go for it, no don't I finally decided to set up a nano marine of my own.
I had put it off for years always buying a new "really important (Not)" new addition to my 4ft tropical tank, then using the excuse oh my tanks full so have to use the 2ft tank for something else. I had a new 2ft tank sitting empty begging to be used so thought its now or never and bit the bullet.

Heater, skimmer filter combined unit, powerhead, saltwater and live sand all placed. I had originally bought a hydrometer but soon discovered they are totally unreliable and bought a refractometer. I was shocked by the amount of salt it took to get the correct salinity measurements. I also after my first visit to collect live rock under estimated how much I would need.

Heres the tank after my first trip to collect live rock. (still cloudy from new rocks and sand being added)


So following day it was back to the store to collect more rocks.


Full tank shot with light included.


Tank was then left to run for a couple of weeks before a friend gave me 4 blue legged hermit crabs. I also rearranged the rocks during this time as I discovered they were not very stable after hitting one with the magnet cleaner. So slight change was needed.




Tanks been up and running now for close to 3 weeks, so will soon be going for first inhabitants and a couple of snails to add to the clean up crew. Will update as I progress.
Hi and :hi: to the salty side.

You have a very nice looking tank there :good:

Have you got any plans yet, stocking list, coral ??

Sorry but I'm very nosey :blush:
I think you have made a great start to your aquascape, really made the rock fit together well.

Just like Trod, I am very nosey too and would also like to know your plans.

I have not made any plans which has shocked me cause I am normally organised and know what I want. I think its going to be a case of trips to the stores and seeing which corals I like, I have seen zoa's and xenia's which I liked but depends on whats instore when I go up. I think I am going to stick to frags and watch them grow rather than buy larger corals if that makes sense. I think that would be more rewarding.
Definately and a lot cheaper, which is always a good thing :good:

Very true, also where I stay (back of beyond) there is no such thing as local store, nearest stocking marines is about 30 mile up the way or about 50 down the way (that mileage is one way trip so same again home) so the more I can buy on a single trip without over loading the tank the better another reason for frags.
Looking like an excellent start Malakye (is that an Irish name? or maybe celtic as you are in Scotland?)

So, I am even more nosey than the other two :lol:

Tank stats please :good:


to start with :rolleyes:

how much salty stuff you got in the tank (nice tank by the way)? Litres

so you have Live rock as your filtration, are you using a skimmer, any thing else, chaeto maybe?

So you plan to have corals, what's your lighting - looks like an arcadia t5 unit?

What sort of fish do you like the look of?

and anything else you can think of - will also mention that I like the way you are doing your journel :good:

See I told you I was more nosey :rofl: but seriously, the questions do serve a purpose, it allows us to help you more :good:

Seffie x

Hi seffie, the stats are

ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 5
pH 8.4 (there abouts)
salinity is 1.025

I am running a skimmer filter combined unit which I am not sure if I like or not. The tank holds about 18 gallons of water.
Lights are 2 whites and a blue actinic.

tropic_john thanks for the comment, yes it was cured Live rock.

I actually added to the tank today........
After floating the bag for half an hour, i decided if I added the water to the bucket the fish would be left without water covering them so I used an old baking bowl, don't worry it was cleaned thoroughly with boiled water to ensure it was clean and free of any soaps. I then drip lined to acclimatise for a couple of hours before adding to the tank. This is them during acclimatisation and after in the tank.



This will be the only fish added to the tank unless something really does take my eye, I now plan to start researching corals and will start adding them after I have ensured my stats are still stable.
Very nice. What kind are they? Perc's? Are you going to name them? Just got my clowns and haven't firmly come up with a name yet. Bonnie and Clyde popped into my head, though...afterall they are damsels :lol:

There are soooo many corals out there it's crazy :huh: It's fun researching though :good: Basically softies, lps and sps. :)
My husband keeps calling them the cheeky girls, that will be changed lol. They are cute though, I love they way they waddle.
The clowns are now called Peanut and Raisin .............where that came from is anyones guess but hey it sticks lol.

I added a couple of small frags of Zoa and a ric to the tank on friday.




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