Another Journey....


New Member
Aug 2, 2010
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Hi all

Right been collecting eqiupment to set up a marine tank running with a sump. So far i have got:

Tank Fluval Bow 260ltr tank with lights and heater and tunze flow jets
Ehiem compact 5000 pump
V2 400 skimmer
Coral Sand (in bags yet)
RO system to make RO water (will be connected this week hopefuly)
Marine Salt (loads of it bought a big bucket)
50ltrs of RO water in two jerry cans
Nitrate tests

I have the main equipment to start the tank but its one of them things its hard to start up but once its rolling its rolling.

I have a pic of of my sump tank : http://i32.photobuck.../IMG_0206-1.jpg

I was wondering if you guys could advise me where my skimmer should go (V2 400 skim). I have a 4ft tank which is 18inches deep (in the wall) I have bought 1 25kilo of coral sand and another small bag. Ive got live rock (approx 22 kilos).

Another thing i was advised to get was i bought it but do i need this and also do i need bio media balls for the sump?

If you could guide me it would much so helpful.

I also forgot to add can anyone advice me on which testers to get that a resonably price and good. I have not got any.

hey dips.
the skimmer can go into the sump. :good:
i would use bio balls i would use live rock rubble :good:
you dont need bio mature so take that back.
also you will need ph,nitrite and ammonia :good:
also i would add 4 more kgs of live rock because you need around 1kg per 10L :good:
hope this helps
:hi: on board :good:

Harry meant you dont need the bio balls :good:

Test kits, many of use salifert:


Looks like you are all set to go

Seffie x
Thanks Guys will get the testers asap. Ive ordered the Hydrometer of ebay so looking to recieve that soon.

So i dont need bio balls? and Bio mature seems a waste of money lol...but ill keep it neways just in case.

Will keep you updated. Got to fit my RO system on to create my own water so looking to get that asap.

I do need more rock yes but i was thinkin to add some in after isnt that possible?



oh and i just figured the link for the sump tank picture didnt work

so here you go...
Always a good idea to add your live rock all at once so that you only have one cycle :good: also, get your self a refractometer and if you are getiing an ro unit also get a TDS meter :good:

You are showing us a photo of your sump - do you have all the pipework and is your display tank already drilled?

Seffie x
yes pipe work is all done :) and tank alredy drilled with in let and outlet pipes. I will update so more pictures slowly. Hope to get it running 2mo. Ill have to add rock in after would it not be possible? Is it hard to do so?

Yep bring water up to temp and sg - you can mix the salt in the tank the first time :good: leave for 24 hours and then add your rock followed by the sand

Seffie x
Woohoo got it running:p sounds and looks ok so far the water is little misty but hopefully the skimmer should do its job. The only few problems i have now are:

The pumps to noisy... vibrations..any ways to get this more silent. Its an Eheim 5000compact as mentioned above.

The return from the tank itself is making a noise like a bottle filling up...

And I need help trying to find a level switch so i can attach it to the top of the tank so if any accidents the pump will stop automatically. Anyone running something like this? more thing is that i want to attach a auto top up switch on my sump so that the RO water section can just top up the other section when water level drops.

Heres some pictures :)




Skimmers seems to be doing what it should be
UPDate: water is much clearer now checked the nitrite level for the first time yday, and it seemed low so i believe its getting lower. One Guy i know came over said i need a mechanical filter? What is that? Bio Balls? is this not required or will i have to get this?
Mechanical filtration usually just means something that just collects larger particulates, so it can help prevent debris buildup. I don't know much about bioballs, but some combination fo sponge/foam and filter floss usually does the job. I've got a sponge/floss prefilters on all my powerheads partly for that purpose (the other being to keep squishy animals and sand away from the impellers).
You dont need mechanical filtration as long as you have enough live rock - was the chap who came over an older salty by any chance!!

There is a way of stopping the gurgling, a durso - Ben, can you help out here? I don't have a sump

Seffie x
loll well yeah he has been in the game lil longer than me. Im a fresh new starter:p Ill ask ben about the noisy return pipe.

btw whats his user name so i can find him and pm him:D

btw whats his user name so i can find him and pm him:D


Ben1987 - it was his birthday yesterday, so dont expect a quick response :p :lol: i'm sure our Ben was probably out celebrating :beer: :- :band: :cake: last night

Seffie x

i was snowed in as far as traveling went! walked to the local pub...ran out of beer didnt they as no deliveries could get in!
loll it didnt snow that much in the south ben so no caving in...just that the goverment ran out of salt to grit more road esp the footpaths harder for elder people to walk on the ice. Been ok for the past few days cold but no snow.

Update of tank: Sand is in and overflow is more quieter:). Just placed a Elbow piece on top and put a hole with a air line in the top.

Will get pics up just havent had time to take any....also whats next..ive been checking the salt levels they little low so may add some in. Ive got Nitrite test kits so been using that. Still some signs of them there.

Looking to get phosphate reactor or somthing.

RO unit is installed too but not working properly...managed to get out my first 25litres from it thou:)

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