Another Id For You!


Apr 15, 2004
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Essex, Kirby
and the size of the end of a API test kit test tube!

Kinda early to tell. It's not an octocoral (eg tubipora). Maybe an anemone. Doesn't look at all like aiptasia. SH
Possibly a majano.

Re3search it closely and check out lots of piccys on the net as they come in many different colours etc.

if its a majano then get it out immediately. I didnt and now im fighting a plague of them!

Give me a tank full of aiptasias any day of the week compared to these nasty critters.
my hitch hikers seem to get better and better!

I just did a google image search and it looked like some i saw but would prefer to leave it bit longer for it to delvelop befor ei take action incase it's not so bad after all.

on another note I think I have aiptasias on the live in my 100g FO tank seeing as i won't have corals in there, need i bother about them?
you dont need to particularly worry although they can sting some fish also.

You could get a butterfly fish to eat them?

sorry, thought you meant for the FO tank.

For eating apistia in a smaller tank u can use dancing shrimp, but you have to get them in there before you have any polyps in the tank as after they have finished on the aipistia they will snack on coral polyps aswell.

whoops double mix up.

i thought you meant the butterfly for the majano's which are in the nano.

but yeah the aiptasias are in my 100g FO, so i'll have to look into butterflies a bit more.

Not much eats a majano.. in fact nothing with the exception of a few large angels like emperors etc and even this is a bit hit and miss.

Its a case of blasting em unfortunately. :/
Why dont you get out a cold chisle and break this fellow off and move him to the FOWLR tank so that if its good you get to see it grown and move it back later and if its a nusence then you don't have to worry that much about cleaning it up because it will only have apistias to sting.
now why didn't i think of that!

i will be having a couple of corals in the tank for these will be large harder ones.

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