Another gone to the fishy heaven in the sky


Fish Crazy
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
Gold Coast, Australia
hello all, just curious my gourami died this morning....
I noticed last night his stomach was very prominant, skin a bit see-through and he was lathargic (resting on the driftwood)....also his condition has been deteriorating since the seprae tetras (soon taking back to lfs) have been singling him out and nibbling his tail. I dont think thats the reason why he died though....any ideas? I still have another red dwarf gourami to look after so I dont want him to go to fishy heaven! My graveyard list will be bigger then my fish list at this rate!! :crazy:
As for water conditions I had them tested on the weekend (I dont have my own kit) and they seemed fine...Ph was a little high and I added PH down on saturday but a small amount.

`Claire xo
my guess is it had to do with the tetras, nibbling doesn't seem like it would hurt him to the point of death but im sure the stress contributed. im not sure u should put tetras in with something that cant catch up and defend itself. it would be a good idea to get rid of them. im sry ur fish died, he sounded beutiful, i dont thing iv ever seen a red dwarf, iv only seen honey colors and orange -_-
yeah its sad :( and now my other one is lonely!
Trust me those teras will be gone as soon as I can catch them and take them back!! They are so fricken quick and they KNOW I want them out! :D
also my black widows are going back as well for when I get my discus as ive seen them nip my powder blue gouami as well grrrrrrr I want a happy tank! :D

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