Another Freshwater Finned Fan!


New Member
Oct 14, 2010
Reaction score
Butner, NC
While searching for a local aquarium club to join now that I am back stateside - I found you guys so here goes.

I'm Lisa, a 35yo recently returned Virginia native who has spent the last 13 years in New Zealand. (Yes it is as beautiful as in LOTR) I have never lived in NC before but my best friend is here so when I came home, I landed here and now I have a job and just found a place in Butner I move into the first week in Nov.

I have been into aquatics since I had my first goldfish in middle school. I have always been a freshwater girl, and I have just started purchasing some tanks this week in preparation for my move. (can't set anything up where I am now)

I have a 72gallon bowfront I just picked up, a 40, 2x 20L and 10 I am picking up tomorrow, and two 2.5s that are currently housing my Betta boys as I couldn't go without having some fish.

72 will definitely be a tropical community.
Moderately planted
Filter: Rena Filstar XP3
1x Pictus Cat
20x Neon Tetras
6x Guppies - all males
2x Neon Dwarf Gouramis
6x Cherry Barb
6x Dwarf Rainbowfish
12x White Cloud Mountain Minnows
3x Otos
(and then 1 larger showpiece fish - yet to be decided)

10g - thinking about getting into breeding killies - always wanted to try so if I can find some good stock, I'd like to give it a go. Still doing research into what I can get locally and then looking at what to order.

20L - Electric Blue Crayfish Species Tank - still thinking about tankmates

20L - Well planted Shrimp tank - depending on what I can get - thinking about Cherry, Bumblebee and maybe Harlequin if I can find any of the above.

40B - possible African Cichlid tank?

Hopefully there are a few more freshies out here somewhere that have an idea about availability of the shrimp or killies in North Carolina - please let me know. And who has the best/healthiest supply and range of freshwater fish you have found - I am willing to drive a few hours each way if it is worth the trip...?

Looking forward to meeting you all!

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