Another Food Topic


Fish Fanatic
May 31, 2006
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At petsmart they sell freeze dried tubiflex worms, brine shrimp, bloodworms, etc. is all this O.K. for the betta or anyother freshwater fish. I've heard that tubiflex worms are not good for fish due to where they get them, I've also heard that freeze dried bloodworms were safer to feed than frozen. Thanks.
Go with freeze dried since it doesn't pollute the tank as much as frozen and much more convenient. There isn't any gain by going frozen and it's a hassle to boot.
You are more likely to see constipation in bettas which will lead to swim bladder with freeze dried food. Because it contains very little moisture it stops up their digestion. Frozen contains all the water with it that live would have. While it will pollute your water more, it is also better for the fish. And as long as you are doing weekly 20% or more water changes the pollution should not be an issue.
Oh please, if what you say is true every Betta that has been fed freeze dried has had constipation...absurd. Bettas should be getting a mixed diet of pellets and freeze dried foods regardless. My Bettas has NEVER had constipation and I have NEVER fed them frozen foods. Frozen foods can also contain parasites.
Oh please, if what you say is true every Betta that has been fed freeze dried has had constipation...absurd. Bettas should be getting a mixed diet of pellets and freeze dried foods regardless. My Bettas has NEVER had constipation and I have NEVER fed them frozen foods. Frozen foods can also contain parasites.

I didn’t say it was guaranteed. I said it was more likely. You can also help this by feeding them peas.
If you research it you will see that I’m not just making these things up. :)
You can eat hamburgers everyday and not get high blood pressure; it doesn’t mean there isn’t an increased chance that it will happen.

If you buy hakari frozen blood worms they are sterilized, so no worry of parasites. Most professional betta breeders use frozen blood worms since they are extremely nutritious for the fish.

I understand if you disagree but no need to be angry. Everyone has their own experience. :)
I dont give my boys freeze dried..the one with swim bladder probs nearly no one gets it. The frozen bloodworms thaw really fast. I put them in an egg cup standing in warm water and then pick them out with the dead end of a matchstick... :sick:
Oh please, if what you say is true every Betta that has been fed freeze dried has had constipation...absurd. Bettas should be getting a mixed diet of pellets and freeze dried foods regardless. My Bettas has NEVER had constipation and I have NEVER fed them frozen foods. Frozen foods can also contain parasites.

I didn’t say it was guaranteed. I said it was more likely. You can also help this by feeding them peas.
If you research it you will see that I’m not just making these things up. :)
You can eat hamburgers everyday and not get high blood pressure; it doesn’t mean there isn’t an increased chance that it will happen.

If you buy hakari frozen blood worms they are sterilized, so no worry of parasites. Most professional betta breeders use frozen blood worms since they are extremely nutritious for the fish.

I understand if you disagree but no need to be angry. Everyone has their own experience. :)

It is only more likely if you only feed them freezed dried food. Like I said you should be feeding them a varied diet not just hamburgers. :rolleyes:

Again there is NOTHING to gain by feeding them frozen if you already have them on a varied diet of pellets and freeze dried food. The only thing you gain is more hassle. ;)

Oh and I've never fed my Bettas peas or any of that nonsense.
I feed my Bettas frozen and flake food, which they all love. I certainly don't gain more hassle by feeding them these! I also don't think feeding them peas is nonsense.
I had a female Betta who was ill and I wasn't sure what to do to help her. Someone suggested giving her a mushed pea and it worked, turned out she had constipation.
Please don't knock other people's methods because you don't agree. This is a friendly forum and people are just giving an opinion.
I feed my Bettas frozen and flake food, which they all love. I certainly don't gain more hassle by feeding them these! I also don't think feeding them peas is nonsense.

Thawing frozen food IS a hassle compared to pellets/freeze dried that's not opinion it's fact. Also learn how to read. Peas makes sense to YOU because YOUR Bettas got constipation. Mine NEVER gets constipated therefore peas ARE nonsense. ;)

Please don't knock other people's methods because you don't agree. This is a friendly forum and people are just giving an opinion.

Who's knocking people's methods? All I said was that there is NOTHING to gain by going with frozen food. Unless you can list the benefits of frozen food with some kind of proof, I would suggest you stop insisting it's good just because you are using it.

I had a female Betta who was ill and I wasn't sure what to do to help her. Someone suggested giving her a mushed pea and it worked, turned out she had constipation.

In other words, that frozen food did squat for you if it is supposed to prevent constipation like was claimed above. :lol:
I feed my Bettas frozen and flake food, which they all love. I certainly don't gain more hassle by feeding them these! I also don't think feeding them peas is nonsense.
I had a female Betta who was ill and I wasn't sure what to do to help her. Someone suggested giving her a mushed pea and it worked, turned out she had constipation.
Please don't knock other people's methods because you don't agree. This is a friendly forum and people are just giving an opinion.

Thawing frozen food IS a hassle compared to pellets/freeze dried that's not opinion it's fact. Also learn how to read. Peas makes sense to YOU because YOUR Bettas got constipation. Mine never gets constipated therefore peas are nonsense. ;)

I had a female Betta who was ill and I wasn't sure what to do to help her. Someone suggested giving her a mushed pea and it worked, turned out she had constipation.

In other words, that frozen food did squat for you if it is supposed to prevent constipation like was claimed above. :lol:
I have no problem with reading, so keep your snotty comments to yourself.
My female Betta was ill when I brought her and I didn't realise at the time. After I gave her the mushed pea she was fine.
And as a matter of fact my four male Bettas have never suffered from constipation so frozen food is not a problem.
Thawing frozen food is hardly a hassle, it takes all of two minutes. Well worth it for my fish!!!
And as a matter of fact my four male Bettas have never suffered from constipation so frozen food is not a problem.

Nobody said frozen food causes constipation. Just because it don't cause constipation doesn't mean it prevents it.

Thawing frozen food is hardly a hassle, it takes all of two minutes. Well worth it for my fish!!!

And freeze dried takes 2 seconds to open the lid of the food container. :lol: What is there to gain by going frozen other than water pollution and possible parasites? :huh:
Nobody suggested that frozen food prevents constipation, it was a mushed pea that I stated cured the constipation. Am I the only one who should learn how to read?!
Also, I'm not suggesting it's good because I use it and don't feel I have to justify myself to you as to why I use it.
People can feed their fish what they see is fit, there is no right or wrong and i wouldn't criticise people for their choices. Ok, you find frozen food a hassle but others don't. It's an opinion not a fact!
Poor Randy is probably too scared to come back to his own thread :zz :grr:

Who's knocking people's methods? All I said was that there is NOTHING to gain by going with frozen food.
Wow...that's just, wow...*head explodes*

Again there is NOTHING to gain by feeding them frozen if you already have them on a varied diet of pellets and freeze dried food. The only thing you gain is more hassle.
Maybe some people consider the 'hassle' worthwhile? I know I do. It takes me an average of 45 minutes a day to make the rounds and feed everyfishybody here, with all their different food preferences and whatnot. Freeze dried and pellets are hardly a widely varied diet.

And frozen food, pending on what brand you purchase, does have extra benefits...especially the Hikari bw's, they are gutloaded with vitamin C. This is the main staple of my betta diet and they have never suffered from any diseases or constipation- so I'm sticking with it, as I have for years. Getting a pellet meal is literally a treat for them.
And fyi, freeze dried foods DO carry parasites as well, here's a short little article on the subject.

So aside from the hassle, maybe some of us prefer meaty frozen food over cardboard just because we care about what our pets eat for dinner. Imagine a life of bread and beef jerky...surely you'd want a delicious steak once and awhile.
:lol: no I am veggie and got IBS so my diet is soo boring!!! hubby loves his meat and so does son. Argument in our house at the moment is should we have turkey crown or whole turkey :lol: :lol: every year we have this I dont like either :sick:

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