Another External Filter Question


Fish Aficionado
Jul 31, 2008
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hi, i am after an ex filter for my 120l (28g ish!) something that will do between 200-500l tanks. where is the best and cheapest place to get them. i know some people on here sometimes have some to sell, but there hasnt been many recently! (there was a spate about a month ago of 2-3 a DAY being listed!)

also, i am intereste in trying to find a cheap new hood formy rekord 120. the new shape i think has 2x30w instead of my crappy 1x30w! :angry: anyone know a cheap place to get them, as putting a new t5 into my tank will cost around £40 anyway. (this will be as well as the 30w t8 in there)
The cheapest place to buy filters depends on which brand and model you want.... More info please...

Ebay and Google shopping search would be good places to look for the new lighting hood for you record 120 :good:
i am new to the whole extenal filter scene. i know that eheim are supposed to be pretty good, but you pay for it, but apart from that, that is all i know! i dont know which are good models and which are crappy ones. thats why i need you guys to help me becuase i dont want to make a mistake. some recommendations would be v.helpful. eg. for you tank.... will do nicely as it is not complicated to prime! this is where you can find one at a cheap price.....

for my light unit, i am tempted to just shove a 39w t5 in there as well as the 30w t8. so that will be 69w. (over 2WPG) rather than 1!!!
i am new to the whole extenal filter scene. i know that eheim are supposed to be pretty good, but you pay for it, but apart from that, that is all i know! i dont know which are good models and which are crappy ones. thats why i need you guys to help me becuase i dont want to make a mistake. some recommendations would be v.helpful. eg. for you tank.... will do nicely as it is not complicated to prime! this is where you can find one at a cheap price.....

for my light unit, i am tempted to just shove a 39w t5 in there as well as the 30w t8. so that will be 69w. (over 2WPG) rather than 1!!!

my personal experiances have lead me to now running 3 tanks ranging from 112l - 165l all on tetratec ex700's (rated to 250l) i think there great, water is good quality n
and needs changing maybe every month or 2 (20% change, my stocking levels is also a factor in this) I have not lost any flow rate on them, simple to prime, have never clogged and been running them for over a year.


is a cheap place to get them from if you google zooplus discount codes too you will get a 5% off code !!! they cost aprox £55 without the code and less with. they are shipped from germany and came wihin 3 days, they have a 2 pin plug BUT ASO COME WITH A 3 PIN ADAPTER !!

hope this helps a little as an alternative to the eheim
Looking for something that can run a 2-500l tank for a 120l, so looking for a mid-to-large sized filter then.

I run two Tetratec EX1200's on my discus tank, but they can supposidly each run it single-handedly. I like redundant systems though in case one fails... Last week, an electrical fault (plug socket, not filter/extension lead) forced me to run one, and it did the job well, which re-assures me in case for some rason I did loose a filter for any reason again... Unlikely though, as few have problems with the Tetratec's unless they misuse them or get them damaged in transit.... I would happily buy another at this stage.

The Pro 2 range of Eheim is the sweet spot there IMO. The 2028 would be borderline overkill, but if the flow is too much, use the taps to turn it down, or re-adjust the outlet. The 2026 may be a bit too small for your liking though.... The Pro 3 range is the newest, and packed with electronics (Excluding the blatantly overkill 2080) which rings alarm bells for me. Electronics aren't something Ehem have done before to my knowlage and makes me question reliability.... The Pro 1's and Classics are well proven like the Pro 2's, but don't have priming (not as standord at least). The Eccos will self prime, but when I had one, it was nothing but trouble....

The Tetratec EX1200 (cheapest site arround 9 months ago when I looked last)

2026 specs

2028 specs

1st4aquatics is a good company that I have used before (twice) and I recommend highly. They deliver quickly and keep you informed every steap of the way :good: You can also try for Eheims... I have never used the latter, but many on here have used them before

thanks, will check out the links, the ex1200 looks good as it will do me if i upgrade my tank! now i need to find one cheap! (ebay he thinks)
thanks, will check out the links, the ex1200 looks good as it will do me if i upgrade my tank! now i need to find one cheap! (ebay he thinks)

the link i posted for zooplus does the ex1200 too and again you get the 5% discount if you look for discount cdes for zooplus on google, dont think u will et one cheaper than on that site to be honest, i couldnt/

its a lot of money really, but i will try to get one 2nd hand, if its in good nick.

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