Another Eel Question


Fish Fanatic
Jun 21, 2005
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I have heard too many stories of eels escaping from tanks, so was wondering how to stop that happening to my eels, which I'll be getting end of this week (Can't wait!!Thanks CFC!) There is 2 triangle shaped holes at 2 corners of my tank, where electric cables for filter & airstones come in. These 2 holes are big enough for an eel to escape from. How do I block them? I have been thinking either some sort of metallic net, but not sure how to secure that in place. With superglue? Or maybe some sort of plasticine? any other suggestions?
Many thanks in advance :)
I use heavy duty black tape to cover all possible escape holes on tanks with eels and eel like fish.

I'm going hunting for eels on saturday but i cant 100% promise i will definately catch any, i'll do my best though.
In my time I have had many eels (which have either grown to big, or died). But not once has any of my eels tried escape, let alone actually get out of my tank. I don't realy have holes in my tank, other than where the filteration pipes go, and I don't use anything to cover them up. Maybe I am just lucky!!! :p
go at low tide and look under rocks ull find milleons of crabs and mayb an eel i found 4 in about 3 hours of searching in the Long Ilsand Sound for my fish tank in Marine Science Class
One of my spiny eels escaped once, i told the shop and they gave me a free one! which i still have. I use black bin liners, which i cut into a square and stick on with tape, works well :nod:
I have 2 chestnut moray eels, a littler one in a reef and a bigger one in freshwater (okay okay, before you shoot me, they are both eating well and the freshwater one will be in brackish before a year has passed) .
They do not try to escape, and when they were at my LFS they were in an open-top tank. I have also had a peacock spiny eel, it did not try to escape either. I would reccomend plugging your tank holes, or just visit the tank everyonce and awhile to check on them. Remember that some eels migrate to rivers or oceans to spawn, and cross even land to get there.

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