Another Ebayer taking advantage

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ManyFISH4Me said:
I just came across this on ebay. I emailed the seller, and told her to change her description.

Is this really a 'topic', or just a general statement/observation? I really have no idea what's supposed to be said. Perhaps "good job", or we can all bash on the seller. Or both even. But I must admit these sort of topics grow tiresome.
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I think this is the part where we all point and laugh :)
Synirr said:
I think this is the part where we all point and laugh :)
I suppose that could be another direction this thread could take, but don't you guys ever get tired of talking about how terribly dumb people can be?

Maybe it's just me, but I get bored with reading it. People suck, we know this already.
wuvmybetta said:
Synirr said:
I think this is the part where we all point and laugh :)
I suppose that could be another direction this thread could take, but don't you guys ever get tired of talking about how terribly dumb people can be?

Maybe it's just me, but I get bored with reading it. People suck, we know this already.
I get tired of it yes, but I still had a little giggle about it. That's all I ever do... laugh to myself and move on.
Well said Wuv. That is exactly how I feel. There are so many other things we could be talking about. I would rather see pics of peoples bettas or hear stories about how funny they are. I am quite tired of seeing threads like this, stupid people are everywhere. I wouldn't even go so far as to say this person is stupid, uninformed maybe.

Oh well, the threads won't stop, I will just stop reading them and save myself lots of heartache.
On a side note, I notice he says that it's a plakat -- but it looks an awfull lot like a veil to me, i wrote him and told him so :)
I think that's what her point was, was that it was not a plakat but a veil. Anywho.... it's not very nice for people to be getting on her. I know the ebay threads are becoming excessive, but some people lurk around here, and I think it's better to inform people at least, so they aren't mislead if they are looking to get into bettas. Some people deem certain threads pointless, and some don't. Some people think having excessive "My new betta" threads are old and some don't. The solution is if you don't like it don't click on it or post. Getting on other betta lovers for things like this is just pointless. There are a lot of threads I don't care to read, but I don't feel the need to tell that person. :no:
I think that's what her point was, was that it was not a plakat but a veil. Anywho.... it's not very nice for people to be getting on her. I know the ebay threads are becoming excessive, but some people lurk around here, and I think it's better to inform people at least, so they aren't mislead if they are looking to get into bettas. Some people deem certain threads pointless, and some don't. Some people think having excessive "My new betta" threads are old and some don't. The solution is if you don't like it don't click on it or post. Getting on other betta lovers for things like this is just pointless. There are a lot of threads I don't care to read, but I don't feel the need to tell that person.
I agree :nod: Without all these "Walmart sucks, Ebay gone wrong, horrible tiny tanks" threads, then there wouldn't be much to read.

I think this is the part where we all point and laugh
Didn't your mother ever tell you not to point at people? Geesh :rofl: :p

Edit: Oh, and to stay on topic, thats not a plakat OR a doubletail. Its a veiltail with a huge split down his poor fin :-( :X
:( That's really sad that, that women is trying to sell that as a veil.DT, when it clearly has a split fin....... To think... Maybe she split it somehow herself to try and get more money out of it!! oh the horror!!!!!!
If I saw this kinda thing on Aquabid or somewhere like that I might bother to say something to the seller, but on Ebay, I'm sure they know what they're doing and are just trying to make a buck off some poor sap.
I really do not know if this seller is trying to lie or not. If you look at his previous sales, he has sold some quite nice bettas. So either he is seriously misinformed, or is just trying to make money. I know it may seem off that he really doesn't know, but judging from prior sales I'd say it is a possibilty. Also, does anyone else thinks this boy looks like he has fin rot?
The solution is if you don't like it don't click on it or post. Getting on other betta lovers for things like this is just pointless. There are a lot of threads I don't care to read, but I don't feel the need to tell that person.
Good for you, but don't tell me "not to read it" or "just don't click on it" when I moderate this forum.

Without all these "Walmart sucks, Ebay gone wrong, horrible tiny tanks" threads, then there wouldn't be much to read.
Actually, from my point of view there is MUCH more to read, but it seems the complaining threads are the most popular as of lately, indeed. It seems there's only an interest in the negative.
That was my point exactly. This woman is misleading people in to thinking this fis is something it's not. I don't know if she did it herself, probably not. (I hope not)
But if she gets away with this false advertisement, and lets say she actually sells this fish for like $20. She, or someone else may decide this is great a start doing this on purpose, to make a few $.

I think everyone who wants to should Email these sellers. The ones selling Betta torture tanks, and advertising fish as something other than they are. As well as the stores that mis treat fish.

I agree. If you don't, want to read posts like mine, then you don't have to. Most people are clear in telling what their topics are about. I personally am tired of all the "I just walked into the store, picked up 2 Betta's, now I'm going to breed them posts. I just read them, and more on.

Sorry, If I sound a little defensive. I'm not rying to. Just trying to get my point across.
I think everyone who wants to should Email these sellers.
Please do so, but I don't see a need to announce it for an open discussion every time. Surely there is a thread this could have been tacked in to.

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