My boyfriend just bought me a little surprise since i got him into bettas...
So happy, first time getting a fish off Aquabid so i hope all goes well. He's sooo cool, boyfriend too, but mostly the fish! (Kidding) Named him Nacht Angal (sp?) which means night angel in german.
Has anyone done busisness with Satorn before, is he pretty honest and fair about his auctions?
EDITED: spelling.
My boyfriend just bought me a little surprise since i got him into bettas...
So happy, first time getting a fish off Aquabid so i hope all goes well. He's sooo cool, boyfriend too, but mostly the fish! (Kidding) Named him Nacht Angal (sp?) which means night angel in german.
Has anyone done busisness with Satorn before, is he pretty honest and fair about his auctions?
EDITED: spelling.