Another Dead German Blue Ram


Scorched Earth
Jan 11, 2006
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We got up this morning to find our little female dead. :sad: She was the female we bought with our male, but they fought all the time. :angry: He picked on her till we separated them. We got another female and put him in a breeding net for a while and let him choose. He chose the new female and we put them in their own tank and they spawned. But the eggs never amounted to anything and a week later they looked set to spawn again. But the male decided he wasn't interested so the female lay them and a week later same story. But this time she didn't lay them and died!! :rip: So we put him back in the main tank with the first female and they got on so well. It's been about 2 months since the other female died and this weekend our first female seemed a bit down. No one was picking on her, she even brightend up and was gorgeous. But this morning, she was dark and dead. She was a lot smaller than the other female (although you could see she was older), so maybe it was just old age. :unsure: Not that, that makes you feel any better. The male is swimming around looking for her. :( Don't think we'll be getting any new rams any time soon.
Sorry to hear about the deaths. :/ My female is not looking good either, so hopefully it works out for me.

As for you, the male should probably be ok by himself, so at least you have that colorful fishy to keep you happy. ^_^
Sorry to hear about the deaths. :/ My female is not looking good either, so hopefully it works out for me.

As for you, the male should probably be ok by himself, so at least you have that colorful fishy to keep you happy. ^_^

Thanks Tempestuousfury

I hope all goes well with your female. :/ They know how to make you worry these little fish.

Our male is now just swimming around, looking for food :rolleyes: Typical. So he should be ok. We haven't had any worries with him, except from him picking on the females in the beginning. So he should be ok. Thanks again.
Females must not live long, I had my female die and they were in a 20 gallon by themselves. She kept on laying eggs with none hatching, but that was not my intention anyway. Female died and then I put the male in the community tank with my tetras and he lived a normal lifespan. He just died and just replaced him with a blue gourami. Sorry to hear about your loss.
My German ram just her a week or two ago.
I've read that they're as fragile as discus :(
You were able to keep a ram with cardinal tetras? Mine killed them all....twice Oo;;

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