Another Dead Cherry Shrimp


Fish Addict
Nov 13, 2013
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I found another dead cherry shrimp in my tank, I'm starting to worry about what is happening in there.. Both of them were dead in the same area , in a week interval, this one didn't seem have failed moulting but I might be wrong. My water parameters are all perfectly normal 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 5-10 nitrates.
I have a few baby cherry shrimp scurrying everywhere so I'm not sure what the issue is..
I am waiting to receive liquid calcium and iodide so I can supplement their water.. I'm thinking they might have issues moulting..
My fish are all acting normal in the tank, (6 neon tetras) snails are doing their business, I have 2 berried shrimp in there..
Only thing besides failed moulting that I can think of is that recently I found a damselfly nymph in my tank, I am still on the hunt for it.
The shrimp was about 2 inches tall so at adult size, and was a female.
I'm really worried. :(
What are your thoughts?
i dont know much about shrimp but i know that damslefly nymphs are highly predatory and hunt anything they can find that is around there size

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