Another Compatiblity Question


Fish Fanatic
Sep 1, 2008
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I have a few compatibility questions.

Currently I have (1) a blue hippo tang, and (2) a rectangular triggerfish (both about 2 inches in size).

I also plan on getting a (3) emperor angelfish, and (4) a maroon clownfish.

Recently I saw an Orange Tail Fiji Puffer. This puffer only grows to 4 inches in size. If I get this puffer, will the triggerfish eat it when the trigger gets older? Will eat eat the clownfish (grows to about 6 inches)?


If I get a purple lobster in the above tank, will the lobster be safe with the above fish? Will the fish be safe with the lobster?

If not the lobster, are there any inverts at all that can survive being with a trigger, puffer, and large angelfish?

Putting any kind of invert in a tank with those kind of fish is like putting a fat dude in a room with a free portion of chips :p
Putting any kind of invert in a tank with those kind of fish is like putting a fat dude in a room with a free portion of chips :p

Point taken :rolleyes:

However, the lobster is probably around 6 inches - won't that be too big to eat?
Nah because its not a case of big fish eating whatever it can fit in its mouth like it is usually,these things have teeth strong enough to bite though rock,they will just bite it into bits and then eat up what remains.
Nah because its not a case of big fish eating whatever it can fit in its mouth like it is usually,these things have teeth strong enough to bite though rock,they will just bite it into bits and then eat up what remains.

Ouch! I guess the lobster is out of the question then.

Thank you.

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