Another Breeding Question From Yours Truely!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 14, 2006
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sorry guys for all the questions....

can i just ask.... what do you lot do with all your babies that you have bred?

Obviously you separte all the males from the females and jar them up, but what do you do with them after that? :/

So the obvious answer would be to sell them, but what about if you end up with a 100 baby betta's after breedding, have loads in jars and cant sell them or give them away?? do you just keep them in the jars for the rest of there lifes or are the jars just temp homes until you can rehome them etc?? im abit confused... i see many people have and do keep there betta's in jars and they look very happy in there, but im sure some would argue that its not ideal.. but Can a betta live a full life in a jar? (im talking fairly big jars or containers)

The thing is, im really interested in breeding (once i get a good few pairs of quality bettas!) and i am just wondering what you all do with the baby bettas??
The ones that I decide to keep go into a different room, the rest sit for no more than a month then are sold to a local outlet. Which I think goes to Virginia's fish stores, I do have a new outlet comming with this new batch of fry and it is directly to a LFS. The only problem with doing it that way is you have to sell what could be higher dollar fish for less than what you want. The good side is that they will go to new homes, the other down fall to that is you dont know where they are going. I know that the primary outlet for me doesn't sell to the large pet stores, only the mom and pop places. They normally take care of the fish better than places like Walmart, Petsmart, and other chain stores.

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