Another betta story

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Fish Gatherer
Nov 7, 2003
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just became an american *play dramatic music*
Well i visted a local pet store and i happened to see one very ripped up and sad looking male betta in a good sized community(a tall 40 gallon?) tank. I begin searching for the culprit to this bettas abuse. To my suprise these smart folks had another male betta in with it, making that 2 male bettas to duke it out whenever they met up. I quickly find an employee to tell her incase it was a mistake but it wasn't unforunatetly. :no:
Her reply: " Yeah the tank setup is meant to be like that. Our manager did that because he said they would be okay together since it's a big tank and it would spread out the aggression."

The manager aggreed to it? Okay i guess it means they're blind to a fish in distress and that the wrong person is running the store. Well i left empty handed so I wouldn't promote their business.
Good job on not getting anything! =3 it's sad about the Bettas though. Poor guys. :grr: People are so dumb sometimes...spreading out agression in bettas? Geff, Bettas -are- agression.
It's ridiculous. I remember seeing a betta killing another betta in a Country Junction pet department once. It was so long ago. Before I knew any better...
I've been told the same thing in a petstore, too. It's mad! Good for you on not giving them any business, though! :thumbs:
God, people are just so dense. Is it so very difficult to understand that male bettas need to be separated from eachother or they'll tear eachother to ribbons?! I'd rather see them in cups than together and fighting, poor little souls :no:

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