Fish Fanatic
I am back here to try and find another cure. Right now, the person(Katie) is not on. She only has limited computer time each day, and I need to send her as much info as possible, I pray you guys can help her and her beautiful girl out!
I will be back with the link!!!
Well, I'm sad to say I noticed a really weird bump on my betta, Coral's side today!It's protruding quite a bit, and she doesn't seem to have very much control over her tail, and it's kind of crooked.
Sorry, I don't have any pictures right now, but maybe someone can help, I have no idea what to expect, or what this is...
Thanks Gina! From looking over that list of diseases, the symptoms sound like either of these:
Symptom: A string of feces hanging from the betta, swollen of the stomach, lack of appetite, sluggishness
Cause: This is often cause by a lack of variety in the diet, feeding starchy food, or living in poor water condition,
Treatment: Fast the betta for 2 days and feed it with plant and vegetable such lettuce, pea, etc for the next 2 days. Following treatment feed your betta with a diet of proper variety foods.
Symptoms: Pinecone appearance caused by the scales protruding out from a swollen abdomen.
Causes: Dropsy is caused by a bacterial or viral infection usually brought about by poor water condition or poor nutrition.
Treatment: Commercial treatments such as Tetracycline, Maracyn 2, Kanacyn, or Epsom Salt are available and can be successful if dropsy is detected early. Dropsy is very difficult to treat and often fatal.
I know I can handle constipation, because Fizz has become constipated before, but mom would never let me get commercial treatments for a fish! -sigh- And dropsy can be fatal...oh no...
Oh gosh, Coral's barely doing anything now...just mainly sitting at the bottom of her bowl, and she only comes up when I go near her. Any more suggestions?
I will be back with the link!!!