ANOTHER betta community tank disaster


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
The new half giant did well inthe 18 for a few days but this afternoon I found a horrible problem. He ripped up all the fish's fins! Every fish!!! otos, glowlights, danios, and flames!!! He also killed my ghost shrimp. I don't know what to do because I don't have another tank and I have $0 to buy another tank. I seriously don't have a single dime. What can I do???

P.S. My killifish also dissapeared in my 26 gallon... this sucks...
Do you have a huge pickle jar or ice tea container around? Just as a temporary resort of course.

sounds bad.... if your desperate, get a cup from the kitchen ?


even if you cant see him in it, aslong as its big enough for him to swim around in then he will be fine till u get more $bling$

my bettas killed all my ghost shrimp too :S
Do you have an extra breeder box or fry net?

Or can you make a temp divider for another tank? :dunno:

P.S. I've also learned the "betta in the community tank" lesson. More than once. :X
Anything will work, really. As the others suggested, try rubbermaid or tupperwear, even an 2L pop bottle (cut off the top to put him in, then rest it over the bottle as a lid; make sure to wash it out really well before using though).

Your parents or friends couldn't lend you $5?
$5??? It's gonna cost more then that. This is a half giant so he needs a big tank plus I found that he doesn't eat unless he's really warm.

I put him in a breeder holder... he looks so miserable lol...

Well, for 2.5 gallons it'd be more than $5, but I bet you could find a 3/4 or 1 G for that much. Sorry, I missed the part that said he was half giant. I guess he's be pretty miserable in such a small tank :X

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