Another Amazingly

Siamese Fighter05

Fish Herder
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Birmingham UK
I was out jogging last night, thinking about my albinos and bronze cories, when i had a really cool idea. I was thinking of a way to cross breed them,not that i want to but someone will one day try it if they havent already then it hit me. If You were to have a 4ft tank you could put a divider down the middle. Put the bronze one side with the albinos the other, 2 males to one females each side of course. Condition them for a couple of weeks, then start the 'rain' simulation and reducing the temp a few degrees on the night. Then after they have been conditioned and the simulation has been done remove the divider just before sunrise. Then hopefully both sets of cories would start breeding and obviously they would be swimming all over the tank, perhaps one of the albino females would drop an egg which could then be fertilized by a bronze males accidently? Then just remove the adults like you would normally and hope you get some dalmation cories :D Probably just a mad idea but sounded like a good plan at first. :huh:
Sounds unnecessarily complicated. Albonos are just a morph of bronze cories so there is no reason they shouldn't breed in the normal manner. Presumably some fry would be albinos and some not.

Siamese Fighter05 said:
I was out jogging last night, thinking about my albinos and bronze cories, when i had a really cool idea. I was thinking of a way to cross breed them,not that i want to but someone will one day try it if they havent already then it hit me. If You were to have a 4ft tank you could put a divider down the middle. Put the bronze one side with the albinos the other, 2 males to one females each side of course. Condition them for a couple of weeks, then start the 'rain' simulation and reducing the temp a few degrees on the night. Then after they have been conditioned and the simulation has been done remove the divider just before sunrise. Then hopefully both sets of cories would start breeding and obviously they would be swimming all over the tank, perhaps one of the albino females would drop an egg which could then be fertilized by a bronze males accidently? Then just remove the adults like you would normally and hope you get some dalmation cories :D Probably just a mad idea but sounded like a good plan at first. :huh:
They should do, albino corys and bronze cories are the same species Corydoras aneus
It's amazing the number of color variants you can find with aeneus cories. Black, brown, green albino, then the "laser" ones with gold or green striping... I'm forgetting a few. Anyhow, go ahead and do some experimental breeding. Maybe you'll get a new color variant out of them eventually. :)
Hi Siamese Fighter05 :)

Since they are both of the same species, C. aeneus, you will have no problems. There is a good chance they will mate with each other, but no harm will come of it. You will probably just get some fry of one color and some of the other.

Among cory enthusiasts, hybridization attempts are frowned upon, but these would not be hybrids. :D
Thanks for your thoughts everyone, I though it would make a dalmation coloured cory but i was wrong :*)
Inchworm Im so jealous of how many cories you have :grr: :)
Hi Siamese Fighter05 :)

Thanks for the complement! It looks like you are well on your way to starting a fine cory collection yourself! :D

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