

Fish Crazy
Jul 23, 2004
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anyone know alot about anoles? i might et 1 and im now starting to do some reaserch online, and was wondering if anyone had some good links or could tell me anythng.
thanks in advance
Anoles require sources of heat. They need an electric heat rock that they can go up on and warm up a bit. Also, a UV/heat light bulb is a must. They eat all sorts of instects, mainly crickets. You can feed them meal worms but I would recomend pulling off the head of the meal worm (I know it sounds gross) before you feed it to the anoles. This is because I've heard horror stories that the anoles didn't kill the mealworms when they ate it and the worm stayed alive in the stomach to chew a hole in the stomach. Not good. about twice a week take the food, moisten it and put it in a bag with a Reptile Powder Vitamin Supplement and shake the bag so the powder gets on all the food. (TetraMin makes this Powder Suppliment.) Anoles, like all living things require fresh water as well. Depending on the size of the tank that they will live in, I would suggest having only 1 male and multiple females. This will cut down on aggression. Make sure you have wood, rocks, and fake plants all over the tank that these guys can go crwa up and back on in the tank...these guys love to hide and climb! And if you keep them happy, who knows, you might end up with an egg every now and again!!! HTH!
Becafeful getting heat rocks because many get to hot and cause the lizards belly to get burnt
ok, ty for helpin me, i cant decide between anoles or bearded dragons
Heat rocks are fine with anoles and snakes. It's the gecko's that can't feel well on their feet and don't know when to get off. Anoles and Bearded Dragons are very differant. (I have both myself) Bearded Dragons get very large and need a very large cage. If you have a huge tank, have all the stuff necisary for a dragon, and have lots of time to get it used to you, I'd say get it. But If you're not sure if you can handle it, don't get one. You'll be better off with the anoles. (They are great, too!)
Usually theykill the mealworms though, y brother's chews them up and you can hear the crunches :p You really can't handle these guys (jumpy and fast) and they can stick to glass so be careful when opening the tank. If you want to get a lizard you can handle, get a juvenile leopard gecko :)
I think Bearded Dragons are way cooler. I have had anoles but never had a bearded dragon but some day would love to get one I think they are way cooler.
keep in mind the size factor. beardies get larger tahn anoles, and have different needs. i keep three green anoles ina tall 18 gal tank. as they are mostly arboreal, this gives them height. i have vines and plenty of foliage for them to climb on. make sure you have a top to the enclosure, anoles are skittish and fast little suckers. most will not drink "standing water" so it is important to mist the cage with clean, conditioned water a couple of times a day (they'll drink the droplets). get yourself a gauge to measure humitdity and one for temp. they will need a uv light and a heat light. i wouldn't get a heat rock, since these guys prefer to be up, that and heat rocks can burn. they need live crickets that have been gut loaded and coated in calcium powder just prior to feeding. they can lose their tales easily (though they do grow back), but handling these guys is not recommended. theyre more ofa lizard to be looked at. don't get more than one male (do some research on how to sex them). males will fight. theyre a bit like guppies, mine are always breeding, i find eggs every ocuple of weeks............. please do your research thoroughly, whichever lizard you choose,a nd be sure you'll be able to afford the cost of care, food, lighting (uv bulbs can be pricey), etc.

here's some links that provide care sheets, lists of what to to get etc: (great prices onlive crickets) (beardie care sheet)

heres a link to agreat reptile forum. they have caresheet and you can ask questions or just read threads. great forum, i 'm a memeber:
Anoles are also cheaper than most other lizards ( $5.00 by me) too. I would also suggest yellow throated plated lizards, which are easily tamed and fairly active :D

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