Annostomus Anostomus. Need Info.

Fish Base

Never kept this fish so can't add any personal experience, but from the research I did it sounds like it is fairly peaceful with other fish, but aggressive to its own kind, and can be nippy to long finned fish. It also seems that they are pretty shy, so don't keep with very rambunctious (sp?) fish.

I kept this fish a long time ago. Very nice looking fish and feeds upside down, because of the orientation of the mouth. It ate pretty much anything and sometimes grazed on the rockwork. When it got bigger, it got nippier and more shy. Is there anything else you want to know?
We had a few of them in one of the shop tanks some years ago. They kicked hell out of anything smaller than them, chewed the fins off everything bigger than them, and ate all the plants. They jump too but are pretty hardy and disease free.
I'm with Colin T on this. We have one and it has ripped the scales off everything in any tank we put it in. he's now housed with our crayfish because we don't know what else to do with him. Lovely looking and hardy as anything but a nuisance beyond belief.
If anyone wants to come and get him he's free to a good home!

good luck if you get one.
I read that before we got ours and it doesn't match our experience. We put him in with 2 Leporinus fasciatus fasciatus, amongst others and he made their lives a misery, he would not leave them alone so he's in with the crayfish. He just chased everything in the tank - there is nothing he won't peck the hell out of.
I wouldn't recommend them to anyone unless you kept them on their own.
rabidrc..if you read the post following states that they can become aggressive, so, I think the index post is dead on. SH

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