Anniversary Sale


Feb 10, 2009
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Chester/Lebanon, PA

i just thought i'd put a topic up about this to try and let any people know about it that are in the area that don't know yet.

that pet place is having their 36th anniversary sale on saturday. it sounds like a really good sale to me, i love just going there in general but i'm excited to go and see all the people and try and find some good deals on things.

i have a brochure at home (i'm at school now and forgot it). i was going to scan it and upload it. it is a little more specific than their website thing about it.

if you're around the area and you haven't been to that pet've gotta go. they are huge and they have everything, and at good prices.
is there really not anyone from around my area?...that sucks. (i'm just gonna keep bumping this on occasion till saturday incase anyone sees it)
That Pet Place..... I love that shop. I will warn you that last year on sat morning there was not a parking place to be had and the line to pay was running at least an hour based on my observation. I walked around and left without buying anything. Sunday was much calmer. Stocked up because of the great prices.

I was just there on Wednesday night to buy 5 more cichlids. Got them now before they were all gobbled up at the sale. I'm thinking of making a trip on Sunday. I still need food and other odds and ends.

Too funny... checked your profile. I am a mechanical engineer too.
wwhhaattt you're a mechanical too..Me and Fathead minnow have been messaging back and forth because we are both mechanical...what is it with us mechanical engineers and fish...haha i don't really see the relation? weird.

Where are you from wolf wolf

do you know how stocked they'll be on sunday? I want to get some loaches, decor, food, odds and ends also that i'm trying to get cheaper..and they have that tent sale outside.

i can't believe the lines will be that long :-(..that sucks

i'm hoping to get some kribs, loaches, and tetras think they'll run out?

just checked your profile. haha we're pretty much going after the same tank!
i have a 30 gal, hoping to stock with kribs, rum. tetras (if they have them in), loaches (yoyo or zebra, saw you have chain, how do they get along with the kribs?)...i've got three danios in my tank also..but that's cause my gf broke her don't want more danios do you? 2 longfin 1 regular...guess the guy at petsmart couldn't tel the difference :S
Yay, other people around here! So is the sale Sat only, or the whole weekend? I'm going hiking with the honey on Sat, I'd hate to miss the sale... :(

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