


Was wondering what kind of annemomie this was. He is tough because he is the first thing I put in my tank. Even before it cycled. Want to post a picture but can't seem to figure out how.
Was wondering what kind of annemomie this was. He is tough because he is the first thing I put in my tank. Even before it cycled. Want to post a picture but can't seem to figure out how.

Figured it out.
Its an Atlantic Anenome or also known as a Condyclactus. They are not natural hosts for clownfish so dont expect to see any clowns in them. Maroons or clarkis "might" host in them but as mentioned its not a native anenome to their habitat and thus not a natural partnership. They are probbly the toughest of the anenomes but they are also fish killers. They grow very large very fast and are quite capable of eating fish as large as butterflys (i know cos mine ate 2 of mine!)
I would suggest that you get ether a clarki or some other somewhat sedentary critter to try and host in it, because if you have no host the odds of loseing a fish to it go up quite a bit
I would suggest that you get ether a clarki or some other somewhat sedentary critter to try and host in it, because if you have no host the odds of loseing a fish to it go up quite a bit

What are the odds of a tank raised Clarki hosting in it?
Not super, sometimes showing a clown a picture of another clown hosting an anemone will help them to figure out how to host though
i have the same type of anemone in my 30 gal tank w/ a clownfish and it has not hosted it. i got a couple of anemones to see if it liked one of them so far no success w/ bubble anemone, florida condy anemone, hatian pinktip anemone, or Rock anemone. so dont get your hopes up. your best bet it to get one that that specific clownfish hosts naturally, most species of clown don't host the same types of anemones . there usually very expensive so im not brave enough to try one yet.

for Ocellaris Clownfish = Common or False Percula Clownfish

Heteractus magnifica ~ Magnificent sea anemone.
Stichtodactyla gigantea ~ Gigantic sea anemone.
Stichtodactyla mertensii ~ Merten's sea anemone. :nod: :nod: :nod:
I had one of these and the only clownthat hosted within one was a Maroon clown. CLarkis are known to also but as mentioned, these are not normally Hosting anenomes.
I had one of these and the only clownthat hosted within one was a Maroon clown. CLarkis are known to also but as mentioned, these are not normally Hosting anenomes.

I bought a small bubble tip and the new Clarki jumped in immediately. :D

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