Animal Rescue Centre Needs Help!

Captain Neon

New Member
Sep 29, 2006
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Kent, UK
A friend of mine from a Buddhist website I frequent has posted this urgent request, which I'm going to re-post here...

In the time I have been coming to this forum, I have made many new and interesting friends. I respect and value each and every one of you highly. I am asking you to take a moment to read this because I want you to know about a special project I am directly involved in that is very dear to my heart and is of an urgent nature.

It is about saving the lives of dogs and cats from being euthanized unnecessarily, as well as helping to rescue animals from disaster situations, such as Hurricane Katrina.

As you may know, the temple I belong to , Kunzang Palyul Choling, set up an animal sanctuary for this very purpose right after Hurricane Katrina, and our group rescued over 150 dogs and cats from New Orleans (that's a whole other story!), reuniting or adopting out almost all of them by the following spring.

We have expanded our mission to include creating a dependable staging ground for taking in animals that are set to be killed in overpopulated shelters across the state of Arizona, so that we give them a chance to be fostered or adopted by a loving home. Did you know that over 30,000 unwanted or abandoned pets were euthanized in the Phoenix area alone last year?

The animal sanctuary we have created is called Tara's Babies Animal Welfare and it is situated on 148 secluded acres of pristine wilderness land in eastern Arizona call Dakini Valley (for more information go to ).

Unfortunately—and this is why I am writing you with some real urgency, and I hope that you might help—money has come due, and we will not allow this land to be lost. It is precious, sacred, and useful to sentient beings. We are commited to saving this land, and we have to act now.

I am asking all of you, whoever might be able to help, to go to to make a secure online donation so that this compassionate work can be continued in a big way. If you would prefer to give by check please send your contribution to Tara's Babies, PO Box 1142, Sedona, AZ 86339, marking the Memo Line: Secure the Lands! Of course, all donations are tax deductible.

Another way you can help is to tell your friends and family who care about the welfare of dogs and cats. We must secure this land now! At this writing, approximately $400,000 of the $600,000 is pledged but that is based on real estate sales closing quickly. Anything you can do to help at this time is so gratefully appreciated by us and on behalf of animals everywhere!

You have my promise that your donations will be used to save the land and animals’ lives now and for future generations.

If any of you can help these poor animals in any way, please do! :)

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