Angry Betta!


Fish Addict
Jun 15, 2004
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Lol I have to laugh every time I goto my 1g betta tank in my living room. The betta in there is always sleeping or flaring in the corner becuase he's ungry. It's weird that one betta gets mad when it wan't food and it's becoming a habit. Does anyone have this kind of betta? If so post his behavior lol.
:D My betta, Pishy, gets mad every time he sees me. He knows what the shape of the mirror is and even flares at my fingers. He sometimes will eat off of my fingers. My other betta, Pinky, is very passive and doesn't even flare at his reflection.
thats what my other betta bill is like. He doesn't flare at anything. Him and his female friend just swim around togther.
good to know im nto the only new guy gets angry at his plant all the time..i had to take it out cause he tryed to kill it. and then fatty my cute little guy sleeps on the filter all day and comes up and rubs agens my hand when its in there and never flares at anything and it bestfriends with his danios :)

i like how they all have there own personalitys
My bettas bite me when I have the python in the tank :thumbs: they also like to chase my finger when it's in the water :) Their attitude is what I like about them. :)
Two of my betta's chase my finger when I play "chase" with them, it's cute, they flare and follow my finger around like mad! :wub:

Today I was taking out an uneatem half of a pea with a spoon and he attacked the spoon, it was funny :D It was his way of saying "Hey I wasn't finished with that yet!" cause he ate the whole lot of it :fun:
i don't think mine is acutally angry, but i have a vt mutt who has to be my most feisty. he flares everytime i come up to his tank (and there are no other bettas for him to see there), and if i put my finger just below the surface, he'll nip (i love it, it feels so weird, just cracks me up :lol: )
I know what you're talking about. At one point I bought a trio of bettas and put them in a couple of bowls and set them next to one another to let 'em flare a bit.

I turned around to put the store bag away and I heard a *chink* like glass cracking. I went back to look at the bowls and one of my bettas must have ramed into the glass and cracked it. I was a little surprised at first... then not so much afterward. I put him in a new bowl and it hasn't happened since.

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