Angry Betta


Fish Crazy
Dec 19, 2005
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I tried to put my new zebra oto in with my vt betta but the betta flared and chased the oto around. Why would he do this? Apart from the fact that he is cranky and attacks my finger when im not looking!
Some bettas are just really aggressive. *shrug* I hope you've removed the oto?
Because bettas don't normally like company in their tanks. They are highly territorial and most prefer to be alone..or they will pester/kill their tank mates. This is why they are called Fighting Fish.
Obviously i have removed the oto. I am not stupid, i know that they are called fighting fish and that they can be aggresive. Alao i have happily kept 'fighting fish' in a tank with female bettas and with other otos without any trouble at all.
Obviously i have removed the oto. I am not stupid, i know that they are called fighting fish and that they can be aggresive. Alao i have happily kept 'fighting fish' in a tank with female bettas and with other otos without any trouble at all.

I keep my betta with four Ottos and three Cories. Oscar does occasionally chase the Ottos if the mood takes him but in three months he has not yet done harm (he completely ignores the cories). Generally try adding the betta last when trying one in a community, also make sure there is plenty of cover for other fish (plants, caves etc)
Why would he do this?

Look, don't get mad at anyone for giving you the most sensible answer to your question..

Just because you have done it, and just because you can do it..doesn't mean you "should" do it. It's a big chance everytime anyone does it..and if you knew up front that the type fish you have is aggressive (not meaning the individual fish, meaning the specie of fish)..I just don't understand why people continue to try and force them to live with other fish, then act liek it's a big surprise when things go terribly wrong.

It's like trying to make a Oscar live with a neon..and wondering why the oscar eventually tries to eat the neon.

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