angle fish


Mar 28, 2004
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my 56 gal is finally cycled. :p i moved my angels in there last night, but they look very lonely. :sad: i have 4 angels and 1 common plec in the tank and you have to look really hard to find the fish. i need suggestions of fish that i can put in there that will be ok. also, my husband really looked at my plec for the first time yesterday and he actually likes him. :wub: so i guess i need big ugly but adorable fish to add that he will like. I know there have been several threads on this subject but i did a search and couldn't find any. Thank you for your help.

I know for sure that rainbow sharks are compatable w/angelfish. My shark is even nice to my quarter sized angelfish and he's about 3.5" long. Livebearers are good, probably just about any fish that isn't too small for it to eat or ones that nip fins like tiger barbs
I get some rummynose tetras or any of the tetra species just avoid getting the smaller types like the neons as your Angels might have them for snack, but i'm sure some people would say otherwise...Also if you want some ugly oddball fish for your hobby try getting him a ghost knife....he would love them and they get pretty big.... :D
Angels are my favorite fish! My 2nd favorites, and good companions to angels, are rainbow fish. Try the Bosemani or the Red Irian. I have both of those with my angels and they get along fine and add great color. They're fairly active, but they don't bother the angels and vice versa.
all good suggestions, except the live bearers, i have a 55 that is now mostly live bearers and he thinks they look like bait.

he likes my common plec, and when i drug him into the pet store he was looking at a salmon colored oscar(not even if i had room for him) and the goober headed gold fish(don't want cold water.

please keep suggestions coming.

thanks guys
I agree with the rainbows. Not only do they add a splash of colour to the tank, but mine are getting along great with my angels. I havent changed my sig yet but they have been in with angelz almost a week with no problems. Mine are parkinsoni rainbows, which are one of the slightly bigger varieties, so Angel hasn't tried to eat them.
sounds like it is going to be rainbows, does anyone know of a site that has lots of pics and info on them?
Crookster said:
Have you looked at flag cichlids, they live with the angel in the wild. Or maybee a shoal of cories.
i have cories in the 55 with my live bearers, love them, but i think my plec is probably going to take up most of the space on the bottom. never heard of a flag cichlids. will do some research. as long as they won't be mean to my angels.

thanks karri
Sorry i was thinking of the Festive Cichlid, not flag. I beleive fetivum is the scientific name for the flag, hence the confusion.

If you visit they have a picture and some info. It is classed under yellow.

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