Angle Fish + Parrot Fish?


New Member
Mar 13, 2006
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uk london
well i just bought a xl angle fish £8.50 and a small orange parrot fish £10! for my tank tehre the only 2 in there but i only have 1 plant the parrot fish is staying around the plant and not letting my angle go near it when the angle goes near it, it attacks my angle! is htis a bad thing?
Cichlids are territorial and Angels are not very tough. Perhaps adding more angels can help if the tank is big enough, but really it's best to choose one type or the other.
heh funny thing actually, my angelfish was the first thing in my cichlid tank, at 1" now he is in there at 6" with breeding jewels, large severums, nicarguensis, convicts, sajica, firemouths. hes fine! hes very tough for an angel. i think yours will toughen up over time, do discourage some aggression why not buy some ditherfish ? a small grouping of shoal fish that will discourage agression naturaly in the wild, like black tertra's or something, jsut as long as they arent too small to fit into the mouths of the aprrot or angel.
if you try this i think you shal have good luck :)
i dont think a angel and a parrot should be together because the angel is a low calm swimmer the parrot is a active fish ,, i would say keep angels with calmer swimmer fish and parrots should be with other cichlid fish ie oscar.convicts ,severums..
but see how they get along ..but i think your angel will have a bad time with the parrit fish ,,

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