

New Member
May 24, 2006
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Derby, UK
i've been thinking about getting an angel but i've heard about their aggression, is it possible to keep an angel (or do i need a few??) in with my ruby shark, dwarf gourami, dwarf puffer, and guppies (the guppies can be passed on to my mate if not)
You can keep one angel, or around 4(if you have a big tank). I would say that if you have in between 1 and 4 the biggest angelfish would bully and eventually kill the rest(happened to my friend :-( ). As for the tankmates i wouldn't risk it with the guppies, if they are big enough to fit in the angels mouth-they will. Also i would have tought the dwarf puffer would nip at the angelfish's long fins alot too, is he at all aggressive towards any of his current tankmates?
I would keep a group myself, part of the fascination with cichlids is how they interact. If you get 4 fish at the same size and introduce them at the same time you should be ok. Though be prepared to take some back to the LFS if required.

Is your sig out of date? If you have tetras and shrimps in there be prepared for them to become angel food at some point in the future. As three-fingers says I wouldn't risk them with guppies and I would think the puffer should ideally be in its own smaller tank anyway. An adult angel would probably go for it.
I put 3 small angelfish in a 45 gallon tall corner tank and one died of being harassed. I guess the 2 fittest survived. I just added 3 cory fish to the tank, but I wouldn't attempt putting anything else in the tank. The 2 angelfish sometimes can pick on eachother but not bad at all, just a little territorial at times. So be careful of the angelfish tank you set up.
yeah saldy i dont think those guppies will last long, the dwarf puffer will nip dem and stress them out causing lowerd immune system which will eventually lead to death -_- personally i think that the puffer may b to agressive to keep with ur ruby shark and dwarf gourami but thats my personal opinion.
1 Altum Angel
2 Silver Sharks - grow to big, need shoals
1 Dwarf Puffer - may attack other fish
1 Ruby Shark
6 Pentazona Barbs - may nip the angels
3 Panda Corys - need a larger shoal IMO
1 Dwarf Gourami
8 Guppies (+ Fry) - may end up angelfish food
7 Neon tetras - likely to end up angelfish food
4 Yamato Shrimp - possible angelfish food
1 Red Claw Crab - brackish, requires access to land, will try to catch fish and eat them, often succedding

Personally i'd go for the group of angels aswel.
dwarf puffers NOOOOOOOOOOOO NEVER EVER EVER EVER :no: :no: :no:

1x "DP" = 3 GALLONS to themselfs

heres a great link dwarfpuffers/forum/
There is a lot of talk about Angels and smaller fish such as tetras.

I have always kept the 2 and rarely had problems other than the occasional loss (rarely more than say 1 neon per month) - I keep the tank well planted with a good mix of leafy plants and grassy plants - the neons dart in and out of the planted areas when the Angels get a little too playful.

Whilst you should really match the tankmates to the fish you most want to house, a little thought can allow some leniency - use plants and wood/rocks/caves to break up the tank space and things will work great.
i agree with part-timer.

get the angels small and youve got a chance they wont eat the neons.

never seen an angel touch a guppy either but again thats cos ive always got them small and the guppys have grown by the time the angels have.
I got 3 angels at the same time and same size. 2 of them grew and grew while the other stayed the same size for ages! It is finally starting to get bigger but the other 2 are now about twice it's size! Also, brought a fourth angel about a week ago who is the same size as the other two. There was some initial harrassment of the new angel but is getting on ok now :)

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