Angels With Current?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2009
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i have just bought an angel for my community tank he seemed very quiet at first but after a few hours is now happily swimming with his new mates
just wondering if he will be fine with a good current in the tank.
Angels I have read from many places do not swim strongly in currents due to their flat sides (it stresses them) and are therefore not happy at all in a flowing environment.

If it is not detrimental to the tank I would try to break the current by redirecting the flow from the filter to slow the blast down or send the angel back, sorry.

Remember that breaking the speed of the filter outflow does not hinder the filter unless you mechanically block the outflow which is a bad idea to do.
If your angel has a place to rest from the current, it will be fine. The same thing goes for the other fish with a reputation for poor swimming. Betta splendens can also do fine in a high current tank if they have a place to rest. I keep both fish in my big community tank that has very good currents and they are thriving. The angel is now about 5 years in my tank and does fine except that it has one injured eye so it can only use the other one.
Yes, quite agree with OM47. Its all relative and as long as fish have different places to go with different amounts of current or no current then the exercise will do them good when they choose to get in to the current. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe angels have these kinds of choices in the places they are found in the Amazon in Brazil.

i forgot to mention that my tank is a corner tank i have a wave maker at the back corner facing down the right side so the current is running in almost a clockwise motion getting weaker as it gets round the tank there are lots of caves and cranys for my fish to hide in if they wish but they all seem to like swimming up the current even the small danios.
good news is my angel was already feeding a few hours after being put in yesterday and doesnt seem to be phased at all by the current he is happily moving around spending a fair bit of time directly in the current at its strongest point so by the looks of it he should be fine

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