Angels, Silver Dollars and kissing gouramis

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Oct 25, 2003
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do they go together

Angels and silver dollars are fine together; I keep them together and there's never a problem. I wouldn't personally keep kissing gouramis with either of those fish, though. Kissers get pretty large and territorial. They'd definitely not be a good match with angels (angels and gouramis dont get along that well, and with a gourami that size, both fish would be in danger, imo). The kisser might leave the silver dollars alone, but I've heard reports of kissing gouramis who like to suck onto the sides of slow moving, laterally compressed fish (yes, I know silver dollars can really boot it around the tank, but they spend a lot of time fairly stationary). I should say I've never kept kissing gouramis personally and my opaline gouramis have no interest in my silver dollars whatsoever, so maybe they'd be alright.
i love silver dollars and i want to get a few for my 50g, but i hav planted and its the best looking tank i hav ever had and i don't want them to distroy it, will they?
What kind of plants do you have in your tank? They definitely chow into some more than others.
Cryptocoryne beckettii, Echinodorus bleheri, Nesaea crassicaulis or it could be Hygrophila polysperma and java moss are in my tank but i am not completely sure. one of my plants the Nesaea crassicaulis/Hygrophila polysperma is huge and is the pride of my tank and i don't want to lose it. the Cryptocoryne beckettii has not been eaten by any fish in my sig.may also get Lilaeopsis sp. … Mauritius or Lilaeopsis brasiliensis.

i had given up on silver dollars because everyone on here told me they were lawnmoers and would destroy all me plants in a week and i don't want this but on the other hand i really really want the fish, i wondered if i feed plenty of fresh veg and algae wafers aswell as flakes and pellets weather they would leave the plants, i wouldn't mind if i had to put one plant in for them to eat every couple of weeks.

any suggestions, can i get silver dollars with out losing my beautiful tank full of plants.
Am I the only person in the world who struggles to find one single attractive attribute in Silver Dollars?
Anyway, kissers and angels? NO WAY!!
They will develop a taste for the angels flanks which will really, really get them

Am I the only person in the world who struggles to find one single attractive attribute in Silver Dollars?

Nope. :no:

The only thing I use them for are dithers.
Hi ryan,

I've been replying to your silver dollar/plant questions for a couple of weeks.. I'm TRYING to help you. Here's the thing.. they DO eat plants, but you can still keep them in a planted tank. When I get home from work this evening, I'll see if I can get a pic of the tank they're in and I'll post it for you. It's a jungle. They will eat your echinodorus, but if yours is anything like mine, it will still be huge and lush. They will leave your crypt alone. Bad news on the hygro; it's toast. They'll leave your moss... and they don't eat cardamine lyrata, either - a realllllly lovely plant.
thankyou so much you hav been a fantastic help and i would luv to see your tank, i wondered would it be ok to buy two silver dollars from my lfs (they are only half an inch long, can't wait to watch them grow)this week and buy one or two more in a couple of weeks because i hav heard that if theyare not in a shoal of three or more they will be very skittish.
You're welcome :)

Yeah, you can definitely buy a couple now and a couple in a week or two. They're not as shy as babies, for some reason. You'll be amazed at how quickly they grow!! Despite what some people think :rolleyes: silver dollars are beautiful fish. I LOVE my plants, but wouldn't give up my dollars. (they're dumb as gravel, though)
Am I the only person in the world who struggles to find one single attractive attribute in Silver Dollars?

No - you are not!
I love my Silver Dollars! They do eat some of my plants, but I do grow inexpensive plants out in a different tank, just for them. I have 6 that are about 4.5 to 5.5 inches, they do a little 'skit' where they line up and look at me. It's like they are lining up for the buffet! :D I love their personality. I can't say whether they can co-exist with gouramies and angels, since I don't keep those fish.
just wondering does anyone hav any pics of a planted tank with silver dollars in a wnated to see how they look
Hi ryan - sorry I didn't get those pics last night that I mentioned. I got distracted with a big war between a pair of spawning angels... I'll see what I can do tonight for you. :nod:

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