Angels Or Rams


i lurvs the feesh 3
Oct 26, 2007
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Ok i am normally a betta keeper, but i have always love Blue rams and angels....
well i have 20 gallon tank occupied by 5 guppies and 9 neon tetras...
will angels or rams be best for this?
and how do you sex angels?
Think it might be too small for angels, but I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will be along shortly to confirm this.
I wouldnt personally put angels in a 20 gal they get pretty tall and like swimming room. A few blue rams would be nice in your tank.
I wouldnt personally put angels in a 20 gal they get pretty tall and like swimming room. A few blue rams would be nice in your tank.

Cool... do blue rams like heavily planted or bare scaped tanks.. im gonna rescape it first...
thats it my tanks gonna be soooo much better than it is now!
im gonna heavily plant it with bits of slate sitting about.... and a bit of bog wood!
Ok i am normally a betta keeper, but i have always love Blue rams and angels....
well i have 20 gallon tank occupied by 5 guppies and 9 neon tetras...
will angels or rams be best for this?
and how do you sex angels?

Unfortunately both are not compatible with guppies and neon tetra plus you are a bit overstocked.

Angels and rams are too aggressive for guppies and neons and they will end up being a snack.

The rams would fit in the 20 gallon if you were not overstocked and one angel would be okay, no more then that though.

So personally, I would not add any more fish to that tank.
I wouldn't add angels to a 20 gal. I had to do it once because my angelfishes' normal tank's chemistry was funny and they were unhappy.

If you wanted, you could add a pair of Bolivian rams. They are not quite as beautiful, but are much more hardy than blues. They are also very peaceful. I've kept a pair with a guppy and a mix of tetras for a while and there was no aggresion.

one thing to keep in mind is that males can be territorial, if you want a pair either make sure that they are a boy and girl or provide a LOT of hiding space.
The tank is too small for one Angel and Rams do better in a more mature tank.
Rams are only aggressive when breeding but other than that, they are a fairly peaceful fish. They do however, prefer a lower PH than most fish although a Ph of about 7 should be fine.

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