Fish Addict
Well now Im gettin excited. Angel's new 60 has finnished cycling, and this is day 2 of her and her little friends being in there. So far so good. Although she was a little unsure at first of the sea monster (10 inc Pl*co) doesnt seem to mind him too much anymore. He did make sure to let the little rhinos know that hes the king of this particular castle, but seems to be leaving them alone 2 now.
Angel even ate today. Yesterday she didnt seem to know where to look for food. Iv got some before and after pics too, I just gotta get em scanned.
Here are my updated stocking idears.
1-2 boesemanni rainbows (probably for sure)
1 school of 4-5 either blue gouramis or harlequin rasboras
I will probably stop there for now. I just cant decide which, they are both so cute. Id love to hear from folks who have had both. What are your prefrences, or do you think both will fit in the 60 ?
Here are my updated stocking idears.
1-2 boesemanni rainbows (probably for sure)
1 school of 4-5 either blue gouramis or harlequin rasboras
I will probably stop there for now. I just cant decide which, they are both so cute. Id love to hear from folks who have had both. What are your prefrences, or do you think both will fit in the 60 ?