Angels + Neons


Feb 14, 2004
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Is it ok to keep small (1.5 inch) angels with neons for a few weeks?

Their mouths definatly are not big enough to eat the neons, i have another tank available, but would prefer them in my community tank till they are bigger.

Will this be a problem?
Even though the mouths of the angels look small, they have this ability to open them really wide. If you want to keep your neons, I suggest you move them as soon as possible.
Angels usually don't touch neons when they are brought up together. I have seen loads of tanks with neons and Angels.
Malt_Vinegar said:
Their mouths definatly are not big enough to eat the neonsWill this be a problem?
Not true, although they look like they small mouths believe me they don't, I have had small and large Angels eat Neons, my large females even devoured a whole school of Rummy Nosed Tetras in the night and a few Neons, although strangly she still lets a few fish live always killing so many of the new fish and leaving the old ones and maybe some of the new ones, they are not to small for her to eat but she leaves them.
Malt_Vinegar said:
Is it ok to keep small (1.5 inch) angels with neons for a few weeks?

Their mouths definatly are not big enough to eat the neons, i have another tank available, but would prefer them in my community tank till they are bigger.

Will this be a problem?
could you cut that time in half?
to put them together for 2 weeks is like a gamble
they could leave each other alone or in a matter of minutes the angels could devour your neons
i agree with drobbins27 though,
what happens in the wild will happen in the tank

if it is an emergency and they must be kept in the tank together try a temporary divider or an extra large breeding net for the neons (providing you don't have a large school and it isn't for more than a few days)
This question seems to come up a lot.

Once again, not one person has said that they've ever seen an angel eat a neon. I'd really like to know if anyone has seen it, just out of curiosity.

I really do think this idea has almost reached "myth" status.
Bol said:
This question seems to come up a lot.

Once again, not one person has said that they've ever seen an angel eat a neon. I'd really like to know if anyone has seen it, just out of curiosity.

I really do think this idea has almost reached "myth" status.
tis not a myth,
have seen it meself laddy
(i'm being a leprichaun :lol: )
but seriously, when i was working at one petstore there was a "slow" new girl who kept throwing the new fish stock into random tanks
we've had angels eating neons :crazy:
mollies eating smaller neons :S
betta's eating bettas :X
and many more mayham!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sick:
If you check out "the funniest thing you've seen your fish do" thread, you'll hear about someone who saw their angel eat a neon. Not sure I think it's funny though! :(
I had my baby polypetrys (?spelling?) with baby clown knives.

the clown was about to take a bite at the pollypetrys, when it turn and bit the clown on the lover jaw, was stuck there for more than 20min

So a carnivor will try and eat anything that might look like a meal.
Angels usually don't touch neons when they are brought up together. I have seen loads of tanks with neons and Angels.

neons are naturally in the diet of angels...what happens in the wild will happen in the tank

Both are true, becuase, when the neons are too big to fit it the angelfishes mouth, it will not attempt to eat it. As the angelfish keep growing (remember this will grow up to 6"), the neons will stay relativeley small. Therefore, the neons will start looking VERY appetizing to the angelfish. Sooner or later, no neons and fat angelfish :D

If the angelfish are 1.5" and the neons are 1.5", that will not be a problem, even for a few months.

I actually took my neon tetras out of my 55 gallon tank when my angelfish got to be about 2" or so. Although they could not eat the neons, they kept chasing them. I did not want the neons to go through the stress of being chased.
Angels do eat neons in the wild, but are these wild angels that you have? Or is it more likely that these are tank bred angels from tank bread angels, from tank bread angels, from tank bread angels and so on.

Perhaps it's best not to try it? Especially the chasing that crazie.eddie wrote of.
my angel and neons are fine together, no chasing, no harrasing, nothing! but then again, the angel has been with them for all "his life"

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