Hi there,
I am facing a problem I faced with my last angel fish - which I believe ultimately killed it.
I noticed 5 days ago, that my Angel's eye looked bubbled, and large - like it was sticking out much more than it should. Since then I have been treating my tank with Myxazin to try and clear it up. The eye has changed over this period of time, it become more like a blister at the front of the eye (as you face the fish) like something needed to pop. Which it must have done, as now it looks like a large wound.
I can't get a photograph of it at the minute, but I will try as I think it is easier to see, than explain.
My last Angelfish also had this problem, except his eye got very cloudy and I believe it really affected his vision. He would let food float straight by him and become very very slow until eventually I found him dead. I am really worried this is what will happen with my current Angel.
I have completed the 5 day course of Myxazin treatment and would really like to do a water change as my ammonia had slightly crept up before I noticed the eye (I don't know if maybe this is the cause of the infection). Obviously, whilst treating I didn't want to do a water change and dilute the medication.
Am I OK to do a water change now? Or should I continue treating the tank, longer than the 5 days as the symptoms are still there?
Also, my ammonia had crept up to about 0.25 and my nitrates had dropped to almost nothing. I had been carrying out more water changes to try and balance things again - but nothing was changing. I was carrying out roughly 40% changes twice week but no changes in the levels. Is there anything else I can do? I don't understand why they changed, they are normal a constant 0,0,5.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
I am facing a problem I faced with my last angel fish - which I believe ultimately killed it.
I noticed 5 days ago, that my Angel's eye looked bubbled, and large - like it was sticking out much more than it should. Since then I have been treating my tank with Myxazin to try and clear it up. The eye has changed over this period of time, it become more like a blister at the front of the eye (as you face the fish) like something needed to pop. Which it must have done, as now it looks like a large wound.
I can't get a photograph of it at the minute, but I will try as I think it is easier to see, than explain.
My last Angelfish also had this problem, except his eye got very cloudy and I believe it really affected his vision. He would let food float straight by him and become very very slow until eventually I found him dead. I am really worried this is what will happen with my current Angel.
I have completed the 5 day course of Myxazin treatment and would really like to do a water change as my ammonia had slightly crept up before I noticed the eye (I don't know if maybe this is the cause of the infection). Obviously, whilst treating I didn't want to do a water change and dilute the medication.
Am I OK to do a water change now? Or should I continue treating the tank, longer than the 5 days as the symptoms are still there?
Also, my ammonia had crept up to about 0.25 and my nitrates had dropped to almost nothing. I had been carrying out more water changes to try and balance things again - but nothing was changing. I was carrying out roughly 40% changes twice week but no changes in the levels. Is there anything else I can do? I don't understand why they changed, they are normal a constant 0,0,5.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.