Angel's Eye…Again!


Mar 10, 2010
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Hi there, 
I am facing a problem I faced with my last angel fish - which I believe ultimately killed it.
I noticed 5 days ago, that my Angel's eye looked bubbled, and large - like it was sticking out much more than it should. Since then I have been treating my tank with Myxazin to try and clear it up. The eye has changed over this period of time, it become more like a blister at the front of the eye (as you face the fish) like something needed to pop. Which it must have done, as now it looks like a large wound.
I can't get a photograph of it at the minute, but I will try as I think it is easier to see, than explain.
My last Angelfish also had this problem, except his eye got very cloudy and I believe it really affected his vision. He would let food float straight by him and become very very slow until eventually I found him dead. I am really worried this is what will happen with my current Angel.
I have completed the 5 day course of Myxazin treatment and would really like to do a water change as my ammonia had slightly crept up before I noticed the eye (I don't know if maybe this is the cause of the infection). Obviously, whilst treating I didn't want to do a water change and dilute the medication.
Am I OK to do a water change now? Or should I continue treating the tank, longer than the 5 days as the symptoms are still there?
Also, my ammonia had crept up to about 0.25 and my nitrates had dropped to almost nothing. I had been carrying out more water changes to try and balance things again - but nothing was changing. I was carrying out roughly 40% changes twice  week but no changes in the levels. Is there anything else I can do? I don't understand why they changed, they are normal a constant 0,0,5.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
You could try smaller daily water changes to see if that drops the ammonia. And i'm not really sure why the nitrates dropped that randomly, although I don't think that it will kill the fish. The reason your fish has an eye that looks like its about to explode is because it has a disease called popeye I believe. Popeye is not really a disease in it's own right and Is more of a "knock on effect" . It's basically when the eye gets swollen and it sticks out basically. Myxazin? I've never even heard of that. If it doesn't heal sort of soon, then I would go and buy a popeye treatment in all honesty. it is probably your only available option if his condition does deteriorate. I hope that this helped.
Hi KieranBoyne, thanks for your reply.
Myxazin is a popeye treatment - thats why I chose to use it as it also helps with bacterial infections. The eye is no longer swollen, and instead just looks sore and like an open wound at the front. 
Oh ok, my bad. I would recommend melafix as it apparently cures open wounds, ulcers and sores. It is very strong stuff. I used some on my danio ages ago but it was too late. Watch out for a curved spine. Whenever any of my fish used to get ulcers, a curved spine would follow close behind.  So you might want to watch out for that. Is there anything else that I can help you with?
Melafix is not the best medication. I don't trust it. If you've already dosed the medicine for the full course, it may have knocked out some of, or all of, your bacterial colony. Drop in nitrate could be explained by having minimal nitrate to begin with and then performing multiple water changes.

I would keep up with the water changes. Sounds like the fish is just healing. When you pop a blister, the area is an open wound. If you treat with antibiotics, you're less likely to get an infection, and then you heal up. Same thing here, I would think. Your fish may be ready to heal now. However, keep on top of the water quality. Any ammonia in the water could cause an infection. Hope someone else will be able to contradict or second this and provide further information.

What's the temp in the tank?
So basically, just go by what attibones said He knows better.
The eye does look practically back to normal now. So hopefully the mess along with the water changes have kept infection at bay. One other thing I am worrying about though, is lots of marks all over the Angels body? Some larger than others. They look like either layers or small chunks of the scales are missing?

I don't ever see the Angel get attacked by anything but it could possibly be nips. Unless there is another disease that could be causing this? They are like silvery marks, no red and don't seem to be causing harm but can't be good either...

Sounds like a bacterial infection of some kind. Myxazin is a good medication but you have to dose for a long time and it only does some bacterial infections I found.  If the silvery patches do not decrease or go away with extra water changes, try EshA 2000, its a very broadband med and very low dosage which doesnt affect filters.
Certainly does sound like a bacterial infection to me. Continue with your current treatment and then see how things go

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