New Member
In the past month I've lost 4 angelfish to seemingly the same symptoms, one by one. They become unable to swim well and stay at the bottom of the tank on their side. Today a 5th has exhibited the same symptoms. Also all my angels seem stressed and are opening & closing their mouths probably due to temperature? I have a bubbler, it's a 75 gallon planted tank, fx6 filter, with currently 6 angels, guppies, kuhli loaches, & hillstream loaches. My PH is 7.3 as of yesterday, my ammonia is 0ppm, my nitrates have recently gone up to 10, & my nitrites are at 0. Recently my heater died & the tank got really cold, still working on upping that (currently at 74f) but they've been dying since before then. I've also recently changed out filter media, but they've been dying since before that, too. I've tried adding a small bit (1tbsp) of aquarium salt to help last week, & have also tried a 4 day fast with peas on the 4th day a few days ago. I just want to know the cause and how to fix it. Appreciate any advice