Angels Behaving Like Little Devils


New Member
Sep 28, 2009
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Cape Town, South Africa
Hi guys,

I have never actually kept Angels before but obviously have some now. Now all of a sudden they are beating each other up something terrible. :sad: They are just recovering from Cotton mouth and fungus (goodness knows where they got that from in the first place, I have an established tank), but seem to find the energy to have massive fights which has led to terrible wounds and obviously they look worse now then ever (ripped fins, patches of scales missing). I only have two in the tank with the rest of my fish. Why all this fighting now? They are rather big as well, at least 10cm in body size (not including fins which obviously make them closer to 25cm when they are in prime condition) Any advice will be extremely welcome. Also I still have Protozin in my water, but obviously I want to put some Marltons bacterial cure in for all the wounds before they get infected further, or is this wrong? Also there has been no loss in appetite and in general they are as active as an Angel should be, minus a few body parts.

Angel fish can be very aggressive and territorial, especially once they reach maturity. You could try rearranging the tank as this will naturally rearrange the fishes territories, making sure you provide plenty of refuge places. If that doesn't work, then I suggest you're only option is to re-home one of them asap, before one or possibly both of them are injured beyond repair and die.

I suspect you have two males and that's why they are fighting.

What is the size of your aquarium?
Angel fish can be very aggressive and territorial, especially once they reach maturity. You could try rearranging the tank as this will naturally rearrange the fishes territories, making sure you provide plenty of refuge places. If that doesn't work, then I suggest you're only option is to re-home one of them asap, before one or possibly both of them are injured beyond repair and die.

I suspect you have two males and that's why they are fighting.

What is the size of your aquarium?

My tank is a 3ft, and apart from 2 silver dollars, the rest of the fish are bottom feeders, and not in the Angels way. I totally get re-homing, but at this stage I would rather pay for another tank and give one his own place, as these guys are stunning and quite rare round here to get hold of!! I really will try get a picture up, unfortunately they look worse for wear now,but I will post a pic soon. I am actually planning on doing a water change this weekend, so I will rearrange the entire tank, as I am also putting drift wood in for the cory's and cat's. There are alot of fake silk plants in the tank as it is (the silver dollars are too destructive with real ones). But I will definitely take your advice and try rearranging first before evicting one of these guys. Thanks so much. If you have anymore tips please let me know.

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