Angels and Severums.

it can be done but keep an eye on that severum as it will get big upto 12" and he might hurt the angels. Is there any other fish that you would like to keep besides the angels?
I plan on having a few farlowellas and maybe a pictus but thats about it.
In a 55g 8" is more likely for a severum, but I would beat up angels if I were a sev :p Actually that's just a personal dislike :lol: It depends on the severum really, they can differ very much in attitude and aggressiveness :)
Most sevs get very aggressive with other cichlids after a few months. I hear a lot of stories about them beating up Oscars (I think vip said this) and blood parrots. I wouldn't attempt to mix the two.

Vip, like dwarfs said, usually sevs don't reach a foot.
Oh. ANd a few Flying fox's. I think it's a mutation coloring because instead of being lot of white and gold it is black with gold markings. Not stripes. I think ti is thje coolest thing ever.

What about Texas cichlids. Never really heard anything about them as far as requirements go.
mine reached a foot but...............i brought it that big, died after 3 days from HITH but back then i didnt know what it was :(
dothedew said:
Most sevs get very aggressive with other cichlids after a few months. I hear a lot of stories about them beating up Oscars (I think vip said this) and blood parrots. I wouldn't attempt to mix the two.

Vip, like dwarfs said, usually sevs don't reach a foot.
Sevs are big pussycats...
They would do fine with angels.

Texas however do get quite nasty and would not do well with either sevs or angels.
My sev rules his tank but :dunno: he's the biggest one in there. Hopefully my surinam geo will take over after he outgrows the sev. Severums aren't too aggressive compared to other cichids though :)
im not sure if the sev would even identify the angel as a cichlid would it? It;s not like they look alike. Also im kinda leaning towards not getting it as i just decided to get some cories for breeding stock and i am pretty sure a 12" fish will eat it.

this is a load of bull right?
Quick Stats
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Tank Conditions: 73-77°F; pH 6.0-6.5; KH 4-5
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 8"
Color Form: Cream, Green
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Diet: Carnivore
Compatibility: View Chart
Origin: Amazon, Northern South America
Family: Cichlidae

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