
Nuttygal! :0)

Dec 22, 2004
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There! ;0)
Hi guys! :D
I got another tank for crimbo yesterday! I'm not sure how many litres it is exactly but took ages to set up and it is very big - deep as well as long! In fact it is about 15" deep. I know I've asked this loads of times guys but would I be able to keep angels in it? I've tried researching them on the net but haven't got very far! :huh: I am hoping to keep about 3 of a smaller type. What smaller types are there are do think they be ok in a tank my size? It's about 4ft long. :)
I dont think it would be a good idea, 18" is the reccomended depth for angels. Sounds like a nice size tank, so there should be many more options for you.

Ye i am going to buy 4 guppies tomorrow to start the cycle. I added 3 platy fry that have got quite big from another tank to the new one this morning. Did that make sense! :huh: Anyway they've been fine. I don't really know what other fish to get? Kuhlis maybe - and maybe 4 gouramis I wanted a female betta? They'd be ok together wouldn't they? And do you know if I could keep a pictus cat in there?

And I keep chilids in my other tanks so I wanted a change!
(Length x width x height [all in inches])/231 = Gallons

That last part... was that word supposed to be "cichlids"?
Khulis are very nice, a group of 5 would be good in a 4'. I would get 2 gouramis as they are very terratorial and you could end up with fights if you get more than 2, and the female betta may not get on with the gouramis as they are closely related. The pictus cat would eat any small fish that would fit in its mouth, so any fry would be gone, other than that they should be ok.

If you have allready added three fish I would leave it a couple of weeks before getting the guppys, then wait another two weeks before the next batch go in.

Tempestuousfury (that's a handful! :lol: ) I did mean cichlids!

Jon - Ye I'll wait before I buy the guppies and as they are unstoppable from breeding I won't buy a pictus for a while to give any fry the chance to get a bit bigger. I was only planning to get about 2-3 gouramis anyway so that shouldn't be a problem. Thing is I can't decide which ones. 2 kissing gouramis? Pearls? Honeys gouramis or dwarf blues?
Kissing gouramis get to 8", so a pair would seriously limit what else you could have.

I asked because angels are cichlids, too. :dunno:
Honeys or Dwarfs would be Ideal. Watch out with the dwarfs though as lots of interbreeding has made them weaker than others, plus if you want to keep 4 it shouldn't be a problem with the honeys.

Soz - one more thing. In one my 70 litre tank I keep 2 zebra danios. When I bought them no one told me they have to be kept in groups of 5 or 6. I've had them for about 2 months but now they've started nipping each other's anal fins. So I am going to move them to my new tank soon and buy some more too. Would they be ok with the other planned fish I will buy? (I need to move them from my 70 litre tank because if I added any more danios to that one it will be overstocked!)
Danios are one of my fav fish and yes when kept in low numbers the fin nipping is the result. They should be fine with all the mentioned fish, try to bring the numbers up to 6+.

I think you could keep angels in it, but only the common Scalares not the Altums.

Ideally it should be deeper, but i think it is passible.

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