Angelfish with malformed mouth


Jan 16, 2016
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Hi All. I inherited three veil-tailed angelfish. Two look fine but one has a severely malformed mouth. I got them about 7 days ago. One's mouth looked like it had collagen injections that went wrong. The next day, it was worse, the mouth being more bumpy and swollen looking and even being stuck open. He also appeared to have ick (white spots). I moved him to a ten gallon hospital tank and treated with marinelands all in one for five days according to package instructions. His mouth looks no better but no worse. His behavior has improved over the course of treatment. At first he was just hiding. Now he comes out front sometimes. He still has white spots though. I will post a pic. His coloration makes it difficult to see.
Does anyone know what this is? I read about "duckbill" disease but there is mixed info on this.

Edit: I also wanted to mention that I have not seen him eat nor show any interest in eating. He still hides more often than not, but less than before. Not sure if that's because he is feeling a little better or if he is just acclimating to his surroundings. From what I have read, people say it is not contagious but it is unavoidably fatal. If I don't hear from anyone on this forum by the end of the day, I will assume no one knows any better than my research thus far and had nothing to add. My plan is to put the poor critter in a spare 56 gallon planted that I have fully cycled and ready to go. This way, he can live out the remainder of his days in a nice aquarium and not a 10 gallon. The 10 gallon is planted, but it is small for an angel. The other two angels show no signs of illness and eat eagerly. They are in a 55 gallon planted aquarium. I'm thinking to keep them separated from the other just in case he is contagious. Any opinions?

Ammonia 0
Nitrates 0
Nitrites 0
pH 6.8
Plants in tank
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