Angelfish Tank Mates

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I'm the new guy

New Member
Sep 26, 2012
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I acquired a 46 gallon bow-front aquarium a while ago. I cycled it, planted it, got everything setup. Next I went to my LFS and bought 3 nice marble angelfish. I also bought 3 Denison barbs (torpedo barbs). From everything I have read about them they are ok with angels. It seems like they might move to much for the angels. Are they truly ok to be kept with angelfish? The angelfish are quarter size and the barbs are 1-2".
Denisons barbs imo need a bigger tank. They do best in groups of 6 or more as schooling fish, and get a good 6 inches long or more. They generally do well with angelfish since they're not aggressive, but moving around at high paces in a smaller tank like a 40 as opposed to say a 75 or so may keep the angelfish a bit timid. Depends on the angels, though. My angel doesn't back down for anyone. He's an aggressive little guy.

Also keep in mind adult angels do best alone, in a breeding pair, or a group of 6 or more. You'd only have the option of a single or pair IMO. I'd just go for a single in your scenario. They can be very territorial with one another, and cause some serious damage to their fellow angels. The larger group disperses their aggression so nobody kills each other.
Ok thanks. I will return the denison barbs. I am aware of the numbers with the angels. I only buy angels that look great ( the store only had 3 ). I was already planing on getting 3 more.

Based on the info on the barbs that you gave me this is my stocking plan.
6 albino cory
6 marbel angelfish
1 bristle nose pleco
possibly RTS but I don't know yet
red tail shark might beat on the cories, but they're rather unpredictable, not really my forte. Depending on how often you change the water and how big of a filter you're running you might have some room for some smaller schooling fish, like cardinals, harlequin rasboras, or rummynose tetras.
Personally I would wait for a pair to form and rehome the other four angels, and stock twelve rummynose tetras with the rest

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